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Vibration monitoring and analysis in tri-nip press, case study

Vibration monitoring and analysis in tri-nip press, case study

A paper machine experienced vibration in its tri-nip press on the tending side only. Valmet condition monitoring and vibration analysis used synchronous time averaging (STA) to assist in solving the problem.

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Common fluids valves explained: Pressure reducing valve

Common fluids valves explained: Pressure reducing valve

Pressure reducing valves are used to create and hold a pressure setpoint in a downstream hydraulic branch. Valmet uses sandwich style valves because they are easy to fit in a stacked hydraulic valve block circuit.

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Measuring applied and residual coat weight on applicator rolls

Measuring applied and residual coat weight on applicator rolls

Starch and coating is applied to the applicator roll using a rotating rod. The amount of coating applied to the roll is the most important variable for good coat weight control. This article describes a method of measuring the wet film on the fly across the size press, using a simple measurement tool.

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Understanding coater blade angle vs. loading tube pressure

Understanding coater blade angle vs. loading tube pressure

For a given blade tip bevel, when load tube pressure is increased, the blade angle will decrease, resulting in the blade running on its heel for a while. This, along with the additional bending pressure at the blade tip, will reduce coat weight. It is important to understand the interaction between blade angle, blade tip angle and loading tube pressure.

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Safety when lifting, operating and servicing felt rolls

Safety when lifting, operating and servicing felt rolls

When lifting, operating and servicing the rolls, obey the OEM and mill safety instructions regarding lifting points, nips, lifting instruments and guards in order to maximize occupational safety.

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Improve profitability and efficiency with a Performance Agreement

Improve profitability and efficiency with a Performance Agreement

Valmet’s Performance Agreement is a mill-wide development program to improve and maintain your competitiveness and profitability throughout the mill lifecycle.

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Reel audit leads to increased tonnage on fine paper machine

Reel audit leads to increased tonnage on fine paper machine

Audit recommendations included replacing a carrying roll with a driven bowed spreader roll. This decreased broke due to winkles, adding 18 tons/day production.

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Brief introduction to Lean 6 Sigma - the DMAIC concept

Brief introduction to Lean 6 Sigma - the DMAIC concept

Many mills use this process improvement tool. For those who are not acquainted with it, here's a brief summary of the 5 steps of Lean 6-Sigma (DMAIC for short).

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Maintenance Data improves performance & reliability - webinar

Maintenance Data improves performance & reliability - webinar

Developing maintenance data in your Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) can improve your machinery and personnel performance and reliability.

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Smooth extended nip press (ENP) change-out, a case study

Smooth extended nip press (ENP) change-out, a case study

Valmet supervised the change-out of an ENP module. This included a preliminary NipScan and audit of the press and hydraulic units to spot potential problems.

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