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Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) evolution from coal to biomass

Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) evolution from coal to biomass

Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology has adapted to market needs over the last thirty years, from high-ash coal to low-calorific-value biomass, and from petcoke with a high sulfur content to waste fuel with a high chlorine content. CFB technology has proven its capability to adapt to changing technical requirements.

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Safety Tip: Chromium-free Yankee cylinder surface metallization

Safety Tip: Chromium-free Yankee cylinder surface metallization

Valmet has launched a product and application process for the metallization of Yankee cylinders that is 100% chrome free, Infinikote-2. There is absolutely zero generation of the potentially carcinogenic hexavalent chromium during application.

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Production of sulfuric acid from incineration of pulp mill NCGs

Production of sulfuric acid from incineration of pulp mill NCGs

The production of sulfuric acid from pulp mill NCG enables a bioproduct mill to become nearly self-sufficient in sulfuric acid usage. Sulfate led to the mill's effluent treatment plant is reduced and the sulfate load to nearby waterways is decreased drastically. This innovative plant can produce sulfuric acid and bisulfite simultaneously depending on the requirement. The internal recycling of chemicals can reduce purchasing by 350 truckloads of acid per year.

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Increase uhle box dewatering, reduce needed vacuum - case studies

Increase uhle box dewatering, reduce needed vacuum - case studies

The new coating and uhle box cover also improve runnability, moisture profiles and felt lifetime. The technology is unbeatable and several references prove it.

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Three customer questions from screening performance webinar

Three customer questions from screening performance webinar

Adam Roy, Process Engineer, answers questions about screening brownstock, debris removal, fractionation and bleach plant washer effluent (from a 2020 webinar).

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Valmet Nonwovens end-of-line flexible solutions (webinar)

Valmet Nonwovens end-of-line flexible solutions (webinar)

The webinar will introduce you to Valmet nonwovens technology, including the latest industry trends, newest equipment offerings and the benefits of partnering.

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Eliminate the silo mentality with Liquor Cycle Optimization

Eliminate the silo mentality with Liquor Cycle Optimization

Avoid the silo effect. Optimal pulp mill operation is achieved when single unit operation is evaluated from the perspective of the entire mill.

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Flow control part of energy transition

Flow control part of energy transition

Energy transition and the move toward greener energy production is a hot topic also for our flow control customers who are exploring and investing in new ways to produce more sustainable energy. What is the biggest challenge for valves? What is the winning technology for producing future energy?

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Future-proofing valve control

Future-proofing valve control

New distributed control systems (DCSs) reduce operating expenses in a range of cement production processes, including the operation and maintenance costs of valves. Valmet explains the importance of DCSs and highlights advances in valve and pump technology

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Finetrol's plug shape – Ask the flow control expert

Finetrol's plug shape – Ask the flow control expert

Finetrol’s plug shape differs from other eccentric rotary plug valves on the market. What is the practical value of this design difference?

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