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Quick turnaround to remote mode at Shanying Huazhong BM 21

Quick turnaround to remote mode at Shanying Huazhong BM 21

The new OptiConcept M board production line continues to build Shanying Huazhong’s competitive advantage through its reliability, cost-effectiveness and high level of automation. Even in these challenging Covid-19 times, the machine’s operations have continued smoothly with remote support.

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Energy savings with refiner rebuild at Mitsubishi Paper’s Hachinohe Mill in Japan

Energy savings with refiner rebuild at Mitsubishi Paper’s Hachinohe Mill in Japan

Quality never stands alone – it’s more like the sum of factors resulting in better products and processes. And this was the case with Mitsubishi Paper’s Hachinohe Mill, which resulted in the optimization of both operation and quality.

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The intelligent giant - Bohui Zibo BM6

The intelligent giant - Bohui Zibo BM6

A giant was born when Bohui started their new BM 6 – the widest and largest of its kind in Asia. From the initial start-up to the conversion to printing paper production, machine optimization has been supported from Valmet’s Performance Center.

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Sustainable and innovative board products from Kotkamills

Sustainable and innovative board products from Kotkamills

Kotkamills in Finland converted its paper machine into a unique board machine. The new machine was designed for a wide variety of products. “It is the most elegant board machine ever - it is just beautiful".

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Finding a better way forward with aqua layering technology

Finding a better way forward with aqua layering technology

The new innovatiove OptiFlo layering headbox at Dongil Wolsan PM1 enables feeding starch between the layers. This increases ignificantly the strenght properties of the end product while providing cost savings as 30% less starch is needed.

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Alfeld PM 2: A special star is born

Alfeld PM 2: A special star is born

Sappi Alfeld Mill in Germany completed an ambitious project to convert its one remaining graphic paper machine - PM 2 - into what is probably the largest, most innovative, automated and versatile speciality paper machine on the planet.

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The world’s best paper machine: UWF speed record of 1,808 m/min

The world’s best paper machine: UWF speed record of 1,808 m/min

On September 1, 2011, the world's largest and fastest woodfree-producing paper machine was started-up at the Zhanjiang Chenming mill in China. During its first operational year, it achieved on several occasions a new world speed record. In November 2012, the recorded speed was 1,808 m/min. During a 24-hour run, the 11.15-meter-wide PM 1 produced high quality printing paper at a basis weight of 70 g/m2.

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Smurfit Kappa successfully uses Valmet Bale Tester

Smurfit Kappa successfully uses Valmet Bale Tester

At Smurfit Kappa Belgrade mill, the Valmet Bale Tester has enabled optimized production process and improved the paper quality. Valmet Bale Tester is a reliable and real-time measuring system for analyzing the quality of recovered paper.

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Teamwork maximizing the fiber saving results at Progroup PM2 line´s OCC process

Teamwork maximizing the fiber saving results at Progroup PM2 line´s OCC process

Progroup completed a successful improvement project on its coarse screening process for PM2 OCC line in Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany. The project aimed to reduce fiber losses and optimize the performance of the OCC line. Franziska Ströse from Progroup and Outi Kukkamäki from Valmet shared their experiences and insights on the background, challenges, and outcomes of the project.

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White water offers economic opportunities for paper mills

White water offers economic opportunities for paper mills

By improving its white water system, a paper machine can conserve critical resources, including energy, fiber and water.

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