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Winning with outsourcing

Winning with outsourcing

Uni Viridas delivers fuel and sells heat and electricity from their biomass power plant in Babina Greda, Croatia. Everything else is looked after by Valmet. This successful cooperation was continued with the operation and maintenance contract’s extension in early 2019.

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BS Energy taking steps towards zero coal

BS Energy taking steps towards zero coal

To decrease their carbon footprint, many energy producers are going green with Valmet’s sustainable biomass-fired plants. One of the companies taking steps towards zero coal with Valmet’s technology is BS Energy in Braunschweig, Germany. It supplies energy to the city of approximately 250,000 inhabitants and owns the local distribution networks.

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Ørsted to go coal-free by 2023

Ørsted to go coal-free by 2023

Climate change, carbon neutrality and low-emission energy production are on top of all environmentally-conscious energy producers’ agenda. Key to this lies in phasing out coal as a fuel and replacing it with biofuels.

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Inauguration of Oulun Energia's Laanila biopower plant

Inauguration of Oulun Energia's Laanila biopower plant

January 28, 2021, marked the inauguration day of Oulun Energia’s new Laanila biopower plant in Oulu, Finland. Featuring the latest technology, the plant enables the company to meet growing energy demand, support its goal toward carbon neutrality by 2035 and promote a circular economy. The core of the plant – Valmet CFB Boiler – produces steam efficiently and sustainably as well as electricity and heat through cogeneration.

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Converting waste streams into clean energy

Converting waste streams into clean energy

The circular economy is about resource efficiency. Materials that cannot be used as raw materials for new products are converted into energy.

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A new biomass-fired boiler at the Vanaja power plant moves Loimua toward carbon neutrality

A new biomass-fired boiler at the Vanaja power plant moves Loimua toward carbon neutrality

A new biomass-fired boiler at the Vanaja power plant in Hämeenlinna, Finland, marks an important milestone in Loimua’s path to a carbon neutral society.

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Valmet is delivering a power boiler and flue gas cleaning equipment to Progroup Power 2 GmbH

Valmet is delivering a power boiler and flue gas cleaning equipment to Progroup Power 2 GmbH

Valmet is supplying a power boiler and flue gas cleaning equipment to Progroup Power 2 in Sandersdorf-Brehna, Germany. It is a turnkey delivery including engineering, procurement and construction (EPC).

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Inauguration of Meliora Bio´s biorefinery, in Kalundborg, Denmark

Inauguration of Meliora Bio´s biorefinery, in Kalundborg, Denmark

Meliora Bio AsP of Denmark has now successfully restarted the former Inbicon plant in Kalundborg that had been idle since 2014. The completely modernized facility is now making advanced, second-generation bioethanol, innovative food ingredients and lignin products.

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Successful opening of the Bioprocess pilot facility

Successful opening of the Bioprocess pilot facility

BPF has now officially opened its pilot facility located in the Biotech Campus Delft. Valmet is proud to be the supplier of the pre-hydrolysis system and congratulates BPF.

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Valmet WESP chosen as 2022 Seatrade Maritime Award finalist

Valmet WESP chosen as 2022 Seatrade Maritime Award finalist

Valmet Wet Electrostatic Precipitator (WESP) has been selected as a finalist for the 2022 Seatrade Maritime Awards in the Sustainable Shipping category. The innovative device is used to capture particulate matter from wet exhaust gas streams. Besides black carbon and other forms of particulate matter, exhaust gas can include harmful aerosols, heavy metals and oil mist.

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