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In a reliable role

In a reliable role

The propane dehydrogenation process, known as PDH, is used to meet the needs of the constantly growing propylene market. Reliable and ...

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Efficient valve instrumentation

Efficient valve instrumentation

Automated process valves actuated by pneumatic actuators always need pneumatic and/or electro-pneumatic instrumentation components to build up the specific functionalities required for each application. Typically, these instrumentation components are mounted all around the actuator. The number of instrumentation components available in the market is huge. Additionally, even the most common functionalities can be built in many different ways.

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Below the noise limit

Below the noise limit

Vantaan Energia, one of Finland’s largest urban energy companies, set tight noise limits for equipment suppliers at its new ...

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Reliable valves increase process efficiency and lower total costs

Reliable valves increase process efficiency and lower total costs

Cost efficiency is a term found on every pulp and paper mill's top priority list now that the whole industry sector is going through a structural change with raw material and energy costs rising and environmental legislation tightening. To help pulp and papermakers tackle these challenges, Neles continuously develops its valve products and services further.

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Intelligent valves for LNG processing

Intelligent valves for LNG processing

The demand for natural gas is likely to increase, because of its clean-burning characteristics, especially for producing electricity.

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Expert's voice

Voices on sustainability in the tissue industry

Voices on sustainability in the tissue industry

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face, and we can already see its effect on people and the environment. In this context, it is important to highlight the many promising initiatives and the willingness to make a difference.

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What are autonomous mills and how will they change mill operations?

What are autonomous mills and how will they change mill operations?

In the last few years, more and more companies have included moving toward autonomous operations in their strategic objectives. But what is an autonomous mill and how will higher levels of autonomy affect the role of operators in the future?

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Dialogue with data takes the Industrial Internet to a new level

Dialogue with data takes the Industrial Internet to a new level

Industrial Internet, Industry 4.0, IoT and IioT have all become familiar terms during the past few years, and there has been a lot of talk concerning them. Now is the time to move from talk to concrete actions and start a meaningful dialogue with data.

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How to reach added value with circular economy

How to reach added value with circular economy

Added value in the circular economy is not created out of thin air, but needs to be created on several fronts. Some of the measures needed are already in place, and it is only a question of utilizing them more widely.

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