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Valmet retrofits turbine automation systems and training simulator at Fortum’s nuclear power plant in Loviisa, Finland

Valmet Oyj trade press release, September 11, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. EEST

Releases ● Trade press releases/Automation
Toward more sustainable pulp production

Toward more sustainable pulp production

Raw material and energy efficiency, combined with circularity, play an important role in more sustainable pulp production. The key is to get more from less.

Valmet’s EVO 64 Defibrator and ChipWash systems are started up and running successfully in Vietnam

Valmet’s EVO 64 Defibrator and ChipWash systems are started up and running successfully in Vietnam

On June 3, Vietnamese company Mekong produced the first MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) at its site in Cam Khe District, Phu Tho Province. The new MDF plant was supplied by Siempelkamp, which is one of Valmet’s cooperation partners and the number one continuous press supplier in the world. Valmet delivered an EVO 64 defibrator system and chip wash system, with a production capacity of 45 ton/hour.

Insights ● Article
Valmet ships record-sized Yankee cylinder

Valmet ships record-sized Yankee cylinder

A spectacular transport is currently underway as Valmet ships a Yankee cylinder from its production site in Karlstad, Sweden to a customer in Europe. It is the largest cylinder ever manufactured in Karlstad, with a diameter of nearly seven meters and weighing more than 200 tons, which is 30 tons more than the second largest.

Insights ● Article
Accurate consistency measurement helps Panjapol Paper Industry to meet their quality targets

Accurate consistency measurement helps Panjapol Paper Industry to meet their quality targets

Panjapol Pulp and Paper Industry (PPI), a respected kraft paper manufacturer in Thailand, continues to rely on Valmet’s consistency measurement technology.

Insights ● Customer story
Visy Tumut exceeds targets by optimizing causticization

Visy Tumut exceeds targets by optimizing causticization

Visy’s kraft mill in Tumut wanted to optimize its process performance and ensure process competitiveness with the latest technology. With causticizing optimization, their expectations and return on investment (ROI) targets have been exceeded.

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SCA Munksund paper mill - fossil-free lime kiln

SCA Munksund paper mill - fossil-free lime kiln

By replacing the mill's old, fossil fuel-fired kiln, SCA was able to reduce its carbon footprint by 75%

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Valmet Kappa QC analyzer adds HexA measurement capability for eucalyptus pulp producers

Valmet Kappa QC analyzer adds HexA measurement capability for eucalyptus pulp producers

The accurate online measurement of Kappa number, indicating residual lignin content, is essential for the optimization of cooking and bleaching in the production of eucalyptus kraft pulp.

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University of Oulu replaces old technology with a new Valmet FS5

University of Oulu replaces old technology with a new Valmet FS5

University of Oulu's Fibre and Particle Engineering research unit in Finland replaced their old Kajaani FiberLab analyzer with a new Valmet Fiber Image Analyzer to measure particles and fibers made from field, wool, pulp, synthetic and many other materials.

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Oji Paper utilizes the latest fiber optics technology

Oji Paper utilizes the latest fiber optics technology

Oji Paper is a Japanese printing, writing, and packaging paper producer who bought a new Valmet FS5 for research laboratory testing.

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