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Valmet sets targets for environmental efficiency 2030

Valmet sets targets for environmental efficiency 2030

As a part of its Sustainability360º agenda action plan for 2016–2018 Valmet renews its environmental objectives and targets covering its own operations. The new objectives for environmental efficiency are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).

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Liansheng Pulp and Paper gives Valmet’s BCTMP lines perfect scores

Liansheng Pulp and Paper gives Valmet’s BCTMP lines perfect scores

Smooth startups, low energy costs and very clean, high-bulk pulp are greatly appreciated by the mill.

Insights ● Customer story
At the heart of a new hardwood kraft pulp line

At the heart of a new hardwood kraft pulp line

To secure fiber supply and the viability of their board machine, Tamil Nadu Paper Limited decided to integrate the mill with pulp production. They selected continuous G3 cooking and TwinRoll press technology from Valmet, which has proven its benefits through strong bleached hardwood kraft pulp and reduced energy, water and chemical needs.

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Valmet and Naini Paper in India experience smooth cooperation on major fiberline project

Valmet and Naini Paper in India experience smooth cooperation on major fiberline project

Naini chose Valmet in 2019 as the main supplier of the key process technology for making bleached hardwood kraft (BHK) pulp. The new line has now been successfully producing high quality pulp since the very smooth startup, even above the originally designed daily capacity.

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Valmet’s training simulator gives positive results at Södra Cell Mörrum

Valmet’s training simulator gives positive results at Södra Cell Mörrum

As part of the successful upgrade of the recovery boiler control system at Södra Cell’s Mörrum mill, Valmet supplied a training simulator for DCS testing and operator training. The results were a success: a smooth start-up of the boiler, confident operators, and plans for another simulator.

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Meeting customer needs – with Valmet Recovery boiler technology

Meeting customer needs – with Valmet Recovery boiler technology

In the last few years, we have seen a boom in pulp investments in China, where Valmet has five ongoing recovery boiler projects. The key drivers for recovery boiler technology selection have been to achieve high availability, a high reduction rate and energy efficiency.

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Important milestones reached at the bioproduct mill project in Kemi

Important milestones reached at the bioproduct mill project in Kemi

The project is progressing according to plan and on schedule. The mill’s start-up is scheduled in the third quarter of 2023.

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Getting more from less in pulp production

Getting more from less in pulp production

Global megatrends are driving toward carbon neutrality, resource efficiency and circularity, thus increasing the demand for renewable materials. Already today the modern pulp mills meet most of the sustainability goals including carbon neutrality – but we can do more to meet the future needs.

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Pulp dryers - rebuilding for added value

Pulp dryers - rebuilding for added value

Valmet performs the full range of conversions and upgrades to ensure the pulp dryer is perfectly adapted to each customer’s needs. Valmet’s module-based Airborne Dryer concept can be adapted for each customer and each dryer.

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Pulp and paper technology expands to the new textile industry

Pulp and paper technology expands to the new textile industry

The textile industry is increasingly interested in more sustainable cellulose-based textiles and textile recycling. Valmet sees significant business potential in the industry, as its technology and expertise are applicable to textile fiber processes.

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