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Increased capacity shows value of OEM parts in tissue converting

Increased capacity shows value of OEM parts in tissue converting

Tissue converters around the country and across the globe are increasing capacity and ramping up production to meet consumer demand amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Some facilities report expediting production and operating 24/7 to meet consumers’ demands.

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Mili S.A. advances in new markets with the support of Constellation technology

Mili S.A. advances in new markets with the support of Constellation technology

Founded in the interior of Santa Catarina, in the municipality of Três Barras, Mili S.A.  today is a source of pride for Brazil. It is among the largest tissue paper manufacturers in Latin America, and one of the only factories in all of Latin America with an installed capacity reaching 200 thousand tons/year.

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Ghost: the technology behind embossing premiumization and digitization

Ghost: the technology behind embossing premiumization and digitization

Historically, embossing served one of two functions for tissue products: volume characteristics or aesthetics. Competition within the industry soon put paper integrity in jeopardy. This inspired innovations from Fabio Perini and Valmet sister company Engraving Solutions, such as 4D and PIXEL technologies that minimize the destructive impact of embossing while preserving desirable paper properties.

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Consistent tissue production quality and performance through Sam  Operational Solution

Consistent tissue production quality and performance through Sam  Operational Solution

As tissue manufacturers and converters face complex and mounting pressures to improve the sustainability of products and operations — while also ensuring quality and profitability — technology innovations that support and advance overall equipment efficiency (OEE) have become vital to success.

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How Sam Operational Solution works as a virtual supervisor on tissue converting lines

How Sam Operational Solution works as a virtual supervisor on tissue converting lines

Tissue converters face constant and increasing pressure on all sides, from product quality to sustainability expectations, while at the same time facing the challenges of a skilled labor shortfall. For example, a recent study reported that even as unemployment rates in the U.S. nearly doubled the number of available workers, 77% of manufacturers said they expected ongoing challenges attracting and retaining workers in the years to come.

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The new Valmet Zephyrus: A breakthrough packaging solution that supports e-commerce and sustainability initiatives

The new Valmet Zephyrus: A breakthrough packaging solution that supports e-commerce and sustainability initiatives

Toilet tissue was one of the panic buys at the onset of the global pandemic. Product shortages at the onset of COVID-19 led to stockpiling by consumers, which led to heavier demand that manufacturers couldn’t meet for a number of reasons. In the United States, the surge saw toilet paper sales spike to $10.435 million by October 2020, a nearly 20% increase over the previous year’s sales.

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Valmet’s fire fighting system, IR scanner detection system, and blade change TIPs prevent fires, promote safety

Valmet’s fire fighting system, IR scanner detection system, and blade change TIPs prevent fires, promote safety

Each year, industrial fires are responsible for thousands of worker injuries or deaths, and millions of dollars in property damage and product loss. Given the fiber-based nature of its products, the pulp and paper industry is particularly susceptible to fire risk.

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Geopolitics, sustainability, and technology: key insights from Tissue World Düsseldorf 2023

Geopolitics, sustainability, and technology: key insights from Tissue World Düsseldorf 2023

More than 1,500 tissue professionals from 80 countries gathered at Tissue World Düsseldorf 2023 (TWD) to network with global colleagues and explore the future of the tissue industry. During the nearly four dozen educational sessions, presenters focused on key concepts driving global tissue markets and how they influence change — and success — in all aspects of the tissue business.

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Augmented reality – the new era in mill maintenance

Augmented reality – the new era in mill maintenance

VR, AR, MR, XR… Does it feel like the virtual world is difficult or even pointless to enter? If the answer’s yes, now’s the time to do something about it. Virtual tools are making a breakthrough in the industrial environment, bringing possibilities never seen before.

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For loop tuning, do you need a bump test?

For loop tuning, do you need a bump test?

The short answer to the original question is: Yes, you do need a bump test. However, the bump test does not need to be a traditional one.

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