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Save costs by optimizing water removal

Save costs by optimizing water removal

Water removal at the forming or press section is significantly cheaper than at the dryer section. Since removing one liter of water from the sheet at the dryer section costs five times more than at the press section, it pays to optimize dewatering at an early stage.

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OsciPro oscillators for reliable maintenance-free service

Pneumatic OsciPro doctor oscillators are characterized by long service lives and limited maintenance needs.

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MOPAK gives Valmet top marks for proactive project management

MOPAK gives Valmet top marks for proactive project management

Turkish service engineers effectively communicate with customer and help to solve process problems using their process expertise.

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Woodchip-fired heating plant inaugurated

The woodchip-fired heating plant based on Valmet's fluidized bed combustion technology, which is located in Hervanta, Tampere, Finland, was inaugurated on September 4. This autumn outdoor event was attended by several speakers, including Jari Niemelä from Valmet. The agenda of the event also included a soup kitchen lunch, a rap medley and a visit to the plant.

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YFY Group China: Valmet Paper Lab stabilizes quality and reduces costs

YFY Group China: Valmet Paper Lab stabilizes quality and reduces costs

China’s Yuen Foong Yu Yangzhou paper mill relies on automated laboratory testing with Valmet Paper Lab to ensure its container board meets the most critical requirements. Key benefits reported by the mill include higher frequency of tests, better repeatability, less manual labor and faster feedback time to the operators.

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Solar gas turbine controller retrofit at Lahti Energy

Solar gas turbine controller retrofit at Lahti Energy

There are hundreds of Solar gas turbines at power plants around the world. Valmet has developed a total concept for gas, steam and hydro turbine controllers that creates a deeper view into the process and improves turbine reliability and availability. One recent successful retrofit case comes from Lahti Energy Ltd.

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Uniform criteria for all bioenergy

Uniform criteria for all bioenergy

All bioenergy, whether in liquid, solid or gaseous form, needs one set of criteria in order to promote a predictable and stable regulatory environment, develop bioenergy market operations, and create a level playing field for competition.

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Substantial savings through efficient waste heat utilization at SCA Packaging Obbola

Substantial savings through efficient waste heat utilization at SCA Packaging Obbola

In a modern paper or board machine, the effect of heat reclaimed from dryer section exhaust air can translate to over 40 MW of energy saved during periods of peak heating. But the benefits of effective heat recovery are by no means restricted only to such cases, since, in practice, notable savings can be reached at all times. A recent heat recovery system rebuild at SCA Packaging’s Obbola PM 1 kraftliner machine in Sweden yielded energy savings of over 11 MW.

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XXL newsprint rolls from JSC Solikamskbumprom

XXL newsprint rolls from JSC Solikamskbumprom

Printing machine manufacturers released a new generation of printing machines in 2006-2007. These high capacity ink machines were designed for bigger customer rolls, with a web width of up to 2.1 meters and a roll diameter of up to 1.5 meters. By investing in a new wrapping line, JSC Solikamskbumprom was able to meet the needs of the changing markets.

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Valmet’s unique piloting opportunities move customers’ performance forward

Valmet’s unique piloting opportunities move customers’ performance forward

By providing comprehensive piloting opportunities, Valmet helps it customers address some of the most challenging global megatrends and secure the future of their industries. Pilot testing also supports the customers’ own innovation and development work and helps strengthen their competitiveness.

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