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Mondi Syktyvkar chose Valmet’s BFB Boiler to start up greener energy production

Mondi Syktyvkar chose Valmet’s BFB Boiler to start up greener energy production

A new Valmet BFB Boiler – the largest in Russia – is enabling Mondi Syktyvkar to reduce its CO2 footprint by more than 200,000 tonnes per year. It is supporting the entire Mondi Group’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

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Innovation is our middle name

Innovation is our middle name

A pioneering BFB concept for 100 percent agrofuel and catalytic pyrolysis are examples of how Valmet is driving energy technology development forward. Key to these and other developments are our continuous innovation work and unique pre-industrial scale test facility for energy technologies.

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Sky-high efficiency at Helen with Valmet’s heat recovery and pump technology

Sky-high efficiency at Helen with Valmet’s heat recovery and pump technology

At Helen’s Vuosaari bioenergy heating plant, Valmet’s solution combines flue gas condensation and combustion air humidification with heat pump technology, driving the overall plant efficiency beyond 120 percent and the stack temperature to 11°C.

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Biofuels and biomaterials articles

Cybersecurity is critical for safe cruising

Cybersecurity is critical for safe cruising

The primary aim of cruises is to provide passengers with a safe and relaxing holiday while passengers focus on entertainment and new experiences. Behind the scenes, the vessel’s crew stands ready to maintain safety and cybersecurity.

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Co-creating value in Industrial Internet ecosystem

Co-creating value in Industrial Internet ecosystem

The amount of data is multiplying every day. The challenge is to know which data is relevant and how it informs decision making. Valmet’s Industrial Internet ecosystem brings leading industry players together to co-create new value adding applications and services for pulp, paper and board, tissue and energy customers.

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Beating chrome in Yankee Metallizing

Beating chrome in Yankee Metallizing

Valmet Infinikote-2 Yankee Metallizing process for tissue machine Yankee cylinders contains no chrome and generates no hexavalent chrome during application. It is the most environmentally safe and durable Yankee metallizing coating available.

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Let’s start a meaningful dialogue with data

Let’s start a meaningful dialogue with data

Valmet’s Industrial Internet services are based upon a meaningful dialogue with data. With Valmet’s know-how in process technology, automation and services, customers can turn their data into a valuable asset for decision-making.

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Shanying International and Valmet get closer through shared roadmap

Shanying International and Valmet get closer through shared roadmap

Shanying International and Valmet have agreed to deepen their partnership to move Shanying’s performance and process reliability forward. The practical implementation involves a shared roadmap with concrete action points.

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It’s a shared journey

It’s a shared journey

Stora Enso and Valmet have a long history of working for better results at the Veitsiluoto Mill. The cooperation has brought benefits ranging from economies of scale to joint innovation, and helped the mill to improve their production capabilities over time.

Insights ● Customer story