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Over 50 years of valve controllers

Reliability and performance with 50 years of valve controlling experience.

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Taking a comprehensive maintenance approach to maximize PSA unit availability

A pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit had become the source of a huge annual loss for several years in a French refinery. Constant failures of the unit systems led to unplanned shutdowns and loss of availability. Additionally, the refinery wanted to expand the unit to meet growing needs.

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Sieving molecules for cleaner fuels

To separate hydrocarbons or dry gases, processing industries have used adsorption and molecular sieve technologies for decades to produce cleaner fuels and more economical processes. The proper selection of switching valves, though, is key to the success and sustainability of the molecular sieve adsorption process, which is often critical for the availability of the entire process plant.

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How a hydrotreatment plant increased reliability with emergency shutoff valves

How a hydrotreatment plant increased reliability with emergency shutoff valves

To avoid dangerous leaks and the high costs of unnecessary shutdowns, refineries today must be able to rely on the performance of their on-off and safety valves.

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Selecting valves for an ethylene plant: what is the right choice?

Selecting valves for an ethylene plant: what is the right choice?

Running a reliable and competitive ethylene plant in an ever-growing ethylene production market is a matter of overcoming many challenges. However, choosing valve solutions that offer maximum reliability, safety and performance for your application is the first step to success.

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Launching innovative products for customers is in our DNA

Launching innovative products for customers is in our DNA

Antti Nelimarkka’s 1973 valve design allowed valves to be more reliable than ever before. He designed a metallic seat ring instead of a rubber one, and the world’s first metal-seated butterfly valve was born, setting the industry standard. Neles has since built itself around innovation and significant breakthroughs to provide our customers with more reliable and safe products – it’s in our DNA.

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Step inside Neles’ factory from your sofa

Step inside Neles’ factory from your sofa

What was science fiction mere decades ago is a very real thing today. During these challenging times when physical visits are out of the question, the virtual world offers endless possibilities. Who could have guessed that virtual factory tours, originally used for internal safety training or to replace shuttle buses to factories at technology fairs, would now, in 2020, become a whole other story? And there is more to come.

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Service is a key benefit of the product itself

Service is a key benefit of the product itself

Neles butterfly valves are a trusted part of many industrial processes the world over. There are currently more than a quarter of a million butterfly valves installed around the globe. And this number only includes the valves in our installed base database. In addition to the products themselves our service expertise is often a key reason behind many clients selecting our butterfly valves.

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Going green with reliable valves for hydrogen and oxygen applications

Going green with reliable valves for hydrogen and oxygen applications

As the significance of responsible and sustainable industrial processes increases, the role of green and blue hydrogen as carbon-neutral fuel produced from surplus renewable energy or through CO2 removal, respectively, will continue to grow. Did you know that we offer a wide range of high-quality valve solutions for green and blue hydrogen?

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Sustainability through long-lasting efficient performance

Sustainability through long-lasting efficient performance

The sustainable performance of a butterfly valve is dependent on a number of important factors. In essence, a valve that can maintain safe and efficient performance over its extended lifecycle is inherently sustainable. This means minimizing both internal and external leakages as well as the risk of failure in demanding service.

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