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Neles NDX 2.0 – The next generation valve controller for any valve or actuator

Neles NDX 2.0 – The next generation valve controller for any valve or actuator

The Neles NDX 2.0 has universal performance, meaning it can be put on top of any valve or actuator. Find out more about versatile next-generation valve controller in the Q&A.

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How to select the sleeve for a pinch valve?

How to select the sleeve for a pinch valve?

Our expert Johanna Puranen, Technical Product Manager, Elastomers, was asked to answer this commonly raising question. In most cases, it is easy to choose the right sleeve material for the application, because the medium and other process parameters given by the customer lead us to the correct solution. Read the answer below.

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What should you look for in a partner for valves in oxygen service?

What should you look for in a partner for valves in oxygen service?

To many of us oxygen is the air we breathe to sustain life. But many of our industrial customers know that it is a volatile gas that requires extra care and knowhow when dealing with it in a process environment. We in Valmet’s flow control business have the needed experience to help you select and maintain the best possible valve solutions for oxygen service.

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Thriving in demanding petrochemical applications

Thriving in demanding petrochemical applications

The petrochemical industry presents valve solutions with demanding applications and operating environments. Reliable flow control solutions are vital in terms of both process quality and operational safety. Neles offers a full range of flow control solutions from valves and actuators to intelligent valve controllers for the wide range of petrochemical processes and applications.

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Ingredients for innovations

The idea for innovation can be born anytime anywhere. That is the most said sentence when asked whether there needs to be a special time of date or a specific place to come up with new prosperous ideas for R&D to take further. Indeed, here at Valmet’s Flow Control Business Line we have witnessed a blooming innovation culture, as every six months we have new invention disclosures to celebrate on, leading also to new patents.

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Solving the flow control challenges in ethylene (Part 1) – Increasing supply while reducing emissions

Solving the flow control challenges in ethylene (Part 1) – Increasing supply while reducing emissions

As the world population surges toward the 10 billion mark, the demand for plastics is due to increase exponentially. In this first blog, we explore the requirements of this rapidly evolving industry and application, and the flow control solutions available to facilitate future developments.

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Proven valve performance for all hydrogen service

Proven valve performance for all hydrogen service

With hydrogen being such a hot mainstream topic of discussion due to its role in the green energy transition, it is worth remembering that it is nothing new to some of us. Valmet as a developer, manufacturer and provider of valve solutions has decades of experience with hydrogen applications in refinery environments and the petrochemical industry in general.  

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EPC projects require more than just the availability of great products

EPC projects require more than just the availability of great products

There is a lot more at play in EPC projects than just the technological solutions we have to offer. Our strength lies in fact that both the EPCs and the end customers know they can trust the valves and the people with expertise behind them. We asked Oscar Bronsveld, the Director of Global Project Sales for Valmet’s flow control offering to tell us what a successful project requires from a partner like us.  

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Carbon capture – Taking the first big steps in the green transition

Carbon capture – Taking the first big steps in the green transition

For many established industries such as coal-fired power plants, refineries, and petrochemical plants, CCUS technologies present an easier way to decarbonize production compared to switching to renewables and adopting new technologies such as electrolysis.

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Going towards the 4th wave of growth in textile

Going towards the 4th wave of growth in textile

Cellulose fibers are leading the charge in replacing single-use plastics and also taking part in building a more sustainable growth in the textile market. Let’s delve into our key takeaways from this conference, from main drivers for future growth to transitions in Man-made Cellulosic Fiber value chain.

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