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Production world record at Södra Cell Värö

Production world record at Södra Cell Värö

During a test run on February 11, 2020 a production world record was reached on the pulp drying line, with a total running rate of 2750 air dried tonnes per day, corresponding to 458 air dried tonnes per day/meter, which is the highest specific capacity reached for a Softwood machine.

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Production problems at Fibre-Excellence were solved through Performance Agreement

Production problems at Fibre-Excellence were solved through Performance Agreement

Fibre-Excellence is a pulp mill located in Saint-Gaudens, South-West France. A few years back the mill was facing frequent breaks and severe losses. To solve their production problems, Fibre-Excellence decided to partner with Valmet. After signing a Performance Agreement, a team of experts from different parts of Valmet was appointed to work with the customer. Co-operation proved to be the key to solving the problems!

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Valmet acquires tissue rewinder business from Massimiliano Corsini srl

Valmet acquires tissue rewinder business from Massimiliano Corsini srl

On August 6, 2015, Valmet's acquisition of Massimiliano Corsini srl's tissue rewinder business was completed. The acquired company mainly supply rewinders for tissue and non-woven machines. The operations employ 33 people and are located in Pescia, close to Lucca Italy and the new name of the company is Valmet Pescia.

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LuleKraft is well prepared for the IE directive

LuleKraft is well prepared for the IE directive

As of January 2016, all existing large combustion power plants in the EU area will have to abide by the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). One of the forerunners in Sweden in fulfilling the new emission monitoring and reporting requirements is LuleKraft AB in Luleå.

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Valmet discusses smart water management in Slush

Valmet discusses smart water management in Slush

As part of the Slush evening for circular and clean solutions, Valmet participated a panel discussion arranged by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. The discussion revolved around smart water and marine solutions.

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Optical measurement technologies project started

Optical measurement technologies project started

Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, Tekes is funding so far the biggest joint project on optical measurement in Finland. The research parties are Valmet Automation, VTT and Tampere University of Technology with several small and medium size companies. The Terävä project parties are motivated by the potential new business areas especially around quality controlling for web-like products as well as within medical, food, packaging and electronics industries.

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Advantage NTT working well in Mexico

Advantage NTT working well in Mexico

Both the operations and sales people at Papel San Francisco in Mexico are happy with their Advantage NTT textured tissue machine from Valmet.

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Jönköping Energi’s Torsvik 2 boiler runs with 100% availability

Jönköping Energi’s Torsvik 2 boiler runs with 100% availability

The biomass-fueled Torsvik 2 CHP power plant in Jönköping, Sweden, has been running extremely reliably and fulfilling all expectations set for it since its commissioning in the fall of 2014.

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Valmet supplied Advantage DCT tissue line started up by the hour

Valmet supplied Advantage DCT tissue line started up by the hour

Smooth start-ups have become more the rule than the exception with the Advantage DCT tissue making technology. This was the case also when ICT Poland’s new tissue line in Kostrzyn came on stream.

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Customer needs drive innovation

Customer needs drive innovation

Customer needs and global megatrends have been the driving force of Valmet’s product development throughout the company’s 220 years of industrial history. Resource efficiency and open innovation connect Valmet’s product development and customers. New leaps in development are aimed at the Industrial Internet and digitalization. Read more on how Valmet's R&D helps customers to move their performance forward.

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