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Valmet DNA Fuel Chain Manager

A solution for biopower plants to manage accuracy and transparency in a biofuel supply chain - a joint development with Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto Oy.

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Valmet Chip 'n' Bark Moisture Analyzer

The Valmet Chip 'n' Bark Moisture Analyzer (Valmet CBA) offers pulp mills a new tool to advance productivity and efficiency. Continuously measuring wood chip moisture optimizes digester operation and when applied to monitor bark moisture the analyzer can help improve boiler efficiency.

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99% of all doctoring positions can be improved

Improvements in doctoring come from a variety of sources. It is not only the doctor blades, it is the overall approach. With Valmet’s optimized doctoring solutions paper, board and tissue producers achieve better runnability, efficient dewatering, and energy and doctoring cost savings.

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Circulose: Changing the global textile industry for the better

Circulose: Changing the global textile industry for the better

The new Circulose dissolving pulp is created by using cellulose from discarded textiles. It is then spun into new soft and breathable textile materials like viscose and lyocell. Big brands like Levi’s, Calvin Klein, H&M, and Tommy Hilfiger are already using it and Valmet supplied the technology for the first industrial-scale production line.

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Stronger together – A holistic approach from chip to board

Stronger together – A holistic approach from chip to board

There are many advantages of having one supplier covering everything from wood handling to final board. Valmet’s holistic approach – from chip to board – helps companies worldwide to produce linerboard that is profitable and sustainable.

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Valmet Recovery Boiler Combustion Diagnostics application in 30 seconds

Valmet Recovery Boiler Combustion Diagnostics application in 30 seconds

The Valmet Recovery Boiler Combustion Diagnostics application enables operators to make decisions about how to improve the current situation and optimize performance, availability and emissions.

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Paper & board machine finishing pilot trials

Paper & board machine finishing pilot trials

The Paper Technology Center in Järvenpää, Finland, provides the world's most comprehensive offering of finishing testing and piloting services to paper and board manufacturers worldwide.


Stora Enso Beihai BM1

Valmet strengthens its roll services in the EMEA region

Valmet strengthens its roll services in the EMEA region

There’s good news for all EMEA region pulp and papermakers with small and medium-sized pulp drying, paper, board or tissue machines. Valmet’s improved full-scope roll technology and services offering are now more accessible and more cost-effective for all machine sizes and roll types.

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Always putting the customer first

Always putting the customer first

Global valve expert Neles is on an exciting journey. In 2020 the company spun out of Metso, in July this year Flowrox’s valve and pump businesses were acquired and further alterations could follow from a proposed merger with Valmet. These are just the latest steps in a success story that started back in 1956. Now celebrating its 65th anniversary, Neles has earned its status as a global supplier of choice thanks to the company’s unrelenting dedication to ensuring customers receive the very best solutions for their flow control applications.

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