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Dryer roll covers

Dryer roll covers

Dryer section roll covers and coatings help to keep rolls and cylinders clean and protect surfaces from wear and corrosion in hot and humid environments. Choosing the right roll cover ensures good dryer runnability and allows savings in dryer fabric usage and doctoring.

Retooling the next-generation workforce

Retooling the next-generation workforce

Embracing the digital transformation and emerging new tools will help secure companies' operational efficiency in the future, while attracting talent and empowering everyone with knowledge.

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Pulp drying maintenance

Pulp drying maintenance

This course describes how to perform maintenance on the equipment in the pulp drying plant.

Recovery boiler safety

Recovery boiler safety

Presents risks and preventive security actions in Recovery boilers.



This course describes the purpose, processes and principles of operation of the washing department. In addition it also describes the purpose, design and function of the included machines and equipment.

Stock preparation basics

An introduction to the stock and approach system of the tissue mill.



This course describes the purpose, processes and principles of operation of the screening department. In addition it also describes the purpose, design and function of the included machines and equipment.

Lime kiln

Lime kiln

This course describes the purpose, processes, design and function of the lime kiln and auxilliary equipment.


A five-day course covering best practices of D/3® Application Design and Implementation.

Maxum Operation with GCP Level 2 - US

This course provides the students with more hands-on training with the Maxum GCP workstation software and continues reviewing the software table structure and how it can be modified to add functionality to the Maxum Gas Chromatograph.