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A coal-fired plant goes green Nov 22, 2013A coal-fired plant goes green

A coal-fired plant goes green Nov 22, 2013A coal-fired plant goes green

World’s largest biomass gasification plant came on stream in March 2013 at Vaskiluodon Voima Oy in Vaasa, Finland. With right technology in place, close to half of the coal used by the plant can be replaced with gasified biomass, contributing to a massive reduction of CO2 emissions.

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Sappi Somerset PM 3 former rebuild

Sappi Somerset PM 3 former rebuild

"The formation improvement has yielded additional cost savings exceeding the project goal targets. The improved quality level has improved the mill’s flexibility to move higher quality grades to PM 3 that was not possible before the former upgrade.” tells the crew at PM3.

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Pellet firing makes district heating more sustainable

All efforts to decrease the environmental load in power generation are needed to reach sustainability targets. Using wood pellets – carbon neutral, high-quality biofuel – offers a viable alternative in district heating. The new pellet-fired heating plant at Tampereen Energiantuotanto Oy in Tampere, Finland, sets a good example with Valmet’s Bioheat RampUp solution.

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A perforated Uhle box cover proves a success at Propapier PM 2

A perforated Uhle box cover proves a success at Propapier PM 2

Propapier's world record setting PM 2 was able to improve dewatering and lower energy consumption by installing a SolidCoat-coated perforated Uhle box cover for the bottom felt of the first press.

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Valmet enables circular economy

Valmet enables circular economy

In circular economy, products, components and materials stay in a continuous cycle instead of being thrown away. This very idea is built into Valmet’s solutions for customers.

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Energy savings through optimized doctoring at the dryer section

Energy savings through optimized doctoring at the dryer section

Would you be interested in cutting your energy costs while also gaining such additional benefits as improved drying capacity, better runnability, lower doctoring costs and less waste?

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The people behind OptiConcept M

The people behind OptiConcept M

Team spirit. The people behind OptiConcept M are not just a bunch of engineers and managers, but a team that shared a common goal. What efforts has this required and what does the future look like? Some of the team members will now throw some light on these questions.

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From smelt to white liquor – the final link

From smelt to white liquor – the final link

A Valmet whole-line measurement system that was instrumental in SCA Obbola’s causticizing plant startup includes a new reduction degree measurement.

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Vaskiluodon Voima is ready for tighter emission reporting requirements

Vaskiluodon Voima is ready for tighter emission reporting requirements

The clock is ticking. At the beginning of 2016, the EU’s Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) will also cover all existing large combustion power plants. This means that their emission monitoring and reporting requirements are soon to change. Additionally, tightening emission limit values will present challenges for the daily operation at plants.

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Valmet Total Solids measurements to a large-scale sludge treatment plant in Hong Kong

Valmet has delivered six Valmet Total Solids measurements to a state-of-the-art sludge treatment plant in Hong Kong. At the moment the plant is being commissioned, with two of the four incinerators already started.

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