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Valmet's measurement serving 2.4 million people

Valmet's measurement serving 2.4 million people

In the Beijing Gaobeidian Wastewater Treatment Plant, sludge total solids from the primary clarifier varied from below 1 to 60 g/l, which means that from time to time only water is pumped to the sludge thickening tank. The Valmet TS total solids transmitter was installed in the outlet of the primary clarifier to control pumping.

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Daily maintenance the Valmet way

Daily maintenance the Valmet way

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On-line measurement with laboratory accuracy

On-line measurement with laboratory accuracy

The Anjalankoski Mill area is home to two of Stora Enso's production units, the Anjala Paper Mill, as well as the Inkeroinen Board Mill. Cooperative efforts between the mills cover raw materials, energy and power generation, as well as waste water treatment and resultant sludge drying and firing.

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Virtual connection, remote diagnosis add to Burgo mill results

Virtual connection, remote diagnosis add to Burgo mill results

A Valmet bleach plant optimization project at Burgo’s Ardennes kraft pulp mill in Belgium achieved the customer’s expectations and a good ROI. However, this was not the end of the task to maintain and improve the results, as the control performance has actually improved under the watchful, remote surveillance of Valmet engineers.

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Vaskiluoto - The world’s largest biomass gasifier exceeds expectations

Vaskiluoto - The world’s largest biomass gasifier exceeds expectations

The integration of a biomass gasifier with an existing coal-fired boiler has become a success at Vaskiluodon Voima’s power plant in Vaasa, Finland.

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Gasification of sorted waste reduces the consumption of fossil fuels

Gasification of sorted waste reduces the consumption of fossil fuels

The gasification-based plant developed by Valmet, which operates at Lahti Energia's Kymijärvi II power plant has been in commercial use for more than 25 000 hours.

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Valmet’s kappa analyzer deliveries hit record high in the past 12 months

Valmet’s kappa analyzer deliveries have hit record high in the past 12 months. Analyzers have been delivered to pulp mills in Japan, the USA, South America and the Nordic countries, among others.

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Valmet’s investor communications best in class

Valmet’s Investor relations received an award for ‘Best overall communication of company investment proposition’ at the IR Society Best Practice Awards 2017.

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Improving waste water treatment plant operation

Improving waste water treatment plant operation

Recently a global producer of polymer emulsion chemicals ordered a Valmet LS measurement to enhance the operation of their sludge handling at the waste water treatment plant. Reliable measurement systems are required to keep the solid content to the municipal waste water plant within approved limits.

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Blue Paper PM 1 grade conversion rebuild

Blue Paper PM 1 grade conversion rebuild

When a papermaking line is rebuilt into a boardmaking line, the rebuild task is very seldom a simple and straightforward project. This was the case also when the papermaking line at Blue Paper was converted to turn out liner and fluting from recycled waste paper.

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