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Valmet repairs Kipaş Kağıt’s board machine in earthquake-hit Turkey

Valmet repairs Kipaş Kağıt’s board machine in earthquake-hit Turkey

Many of us remember the two devastating earthquakes and numerous aftershocks that hit southeast Turkey and Syria in February this year. In addition to more than 50,000 fatalities, countless homes, schools and businesses were damaged or destroyed. At Kipaş Kağıt’s mill in Kahramanmaraş, the machine hall and board machine PM 1 were severely harmed.

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Valmet’s new premium calender covers – the ultimate high performers

Valmet’s new premium calender covers – the ultimate high performers

Wear and impact resistance, as well as reliability, are entering another level with two newcomers to the Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL product family. In addition to graphical papers, they are suitable for specialty papers, as well as container and packaging boards.

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How Valmet’s Tube Thickness Prediction Application improves boiler performance and maintenance

How Valmet’s Tube Thickness Prediction Application improves boiler performance and maintenance

The development of a tube thickness measurement program began as a thought to create more structure and finished as an interactive application in Valmet Customer Portal, with many benefits for both the customer and Valmet. Prolonged lifespan of boiler tubes, control over maintenance costs and prevention of unplanned shutdowns are only some of the gains.

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Digitalization driving the development of remote maintenance services

Digitalization driving the development of remote maintenance services

In recent years, advances in connectivity, big data and digitalization have often promised to bring significant benefits to industry. Now, with the Valmet Industrial Internet, we are using data to deliver a better kind of maintenance service, as well as performance optimization services.

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An audit reveals equipment condition for maintenance planning

An audit reveals equipment condition for maintenance planning

Do you know how your stock preparation equipment and rolls are really doing? Valmet audits provide a quick, economical and effective way to check whether your assets are performing at their best and to take action to optimize them.

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Savings in production costs and increased operational efficiency at Modern Karton

Savings in production costs and increased operational efficiency at Modern Karton

Wet-end management with online measurements and controls are already seen as a necessity. Modern Karton chose Valmet LC (Low Consistency) for the PM5.

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How process automation can stay ahead of disruptive technologies

How process automation can stay ahead of disruptive technologies

With generative AI and other disruptive technologies making headway, staying ahead of the curve is vital for process automation. Nokia’s Emre Aksu and Valmet’s Mika Karaila explain how to future-proof your business.

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Inulin produced with help of Valmet DNA

Inulin produced with help of Valmet DNA

The Sensus company, located in Roosendaal, Netherlands, is part of the Royal Cosun group, an international developer, manufacturer and supplier of natural food ingredients. At the Roosendaal factory, inulin is produced from chicory roots, and the process is run with Valmet’s automation solution.

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Kuopion Energia walks the talk

Kuopion Energia walks the talk

At the final stage of a massive investment program, Kuopion Energia Oy looks confidently towards the future. Its Haapaniemi CHP power plant is a true showcase of Valmet’s boiler, air emission control and automation technologies.

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ProRheno optimizes processes with Valmet TS

ProRheno optimizes processes with Valmet TS

The Valmet TS device makes the reliable and accurate measurement of solids content in sewage sludge of different origin possible - and this at minimal maintenance efforts.

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