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Valmet’s human rights impact assessment

Valmet’s human rights impact assessment

Valmet is committed to the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Within the framework of our Sustainability360º Agenda, we have created a management system for human rights due diligence in our own operations.

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Taking the circular economy forward – Improved use of resources

Taking the circular economy forward – Improved use of resources

Valmet has an important role in the circular economy by offering customers technology and services for converting renewable resources into sustainable products, such as pulp, paper, board and bioenergy.

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Valmet maintains its position as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe

Valmet maintains its position as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe

Valmet has been reconfirmed as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe since October 18, 2019 for the fourth consecutive year. The composition of the indices is reviewed twice a year.

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Video: Valmet enables circular economy

Video: Valmet enables circular economy

Circular economy responses to the need to efficiently utilize products and resources throughout their lifecycles. Valmet enables circular economy by offering its customers technology and services for converting renewable resources into sustainable products.

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Valmet maintains its position as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe

Valmet maintains its position as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe

Valmet has been reconfirmed as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe since March 22, 2019. The composition of the indices is reviewed twice a year.

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Valmet Rautpohjan 80-vuotissyntymäpäivää juhlittiin lauantaina 9.6.2018

Valmet Rautpohjan 80-vuotissyntymäpäivää juhlittiin lauantaina 9.6.2018

Valmetin Rautpohjan tehdas täytti 80 vuotta ja juhlapäivää vietettiin lauantaina 9.6.2018. Juhlaan osallistui yli 4 100 omaa työntekijää, Rautpohjassa päivittäin työskenteleviä yhteistyökumppaineiden työntekijöitä sekä Rautpohjasta eläkkeelle jääneitä perheineen.

Better leadership, higher engagement

Better leadership, higher engagement

South America launched a leadership development program built around a series of face-to-face modules, each focusing on a different theme.

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Keep oil clean, cool, and dry to avoid costly oil leaks

Keep oil clean, cool, and dry to avoid costly oil leaks

No matter what their size, oil leaks are a plaguing problem in pulp, paper, board and tissue mills. Calculating their cost can be challenging. Temperature spikes may be one fault.

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Hydraulic basics, troubleshooting, filters & accumulators

Hydraulic basics, troubleshooting, filters & accumulators

This article lists some basic tips about hydraulics, including troubleshooting, filtering, cylinder rod leakage, effects of high air content in hydraulic oil and accumulator function.

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Troubleshooting roll defects - causes and corrective actions

Troubleshooting roll defects - causes and corrective actions

Wound roll defects are described and possible causes and associated corrective actions are presented for each defect.

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