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Improve safety and refining performance with Valmet Refiner Segments – Pro safe

Improve safety and refining performance with Valmet Refiner Segments – Pro safe

Reduce refining intensity and extend the life of disk refiner segments, while also providing a safer way to operate. Valmet Refiner Segments – Pro safe are 75% lighter than traditional cast disk refiner segments and can move refining performance forward. Let Valmet be your co-driver for success!

Insights ● Video

Pulping and fiber videos

Transportation of Valmet Evaporation units to Metsä Fibre Kemi bioproduct mill site

Transportation of Valmet Evaporation units to Metsä Fibre Kemi bioproduct mill site

In May-June 2022, ten large evaporation units were transported to the Metsä Fibre Kemi bioproduct mill site. The transportations were done with a barge from the Ajos deep-sea port to the Kemi city port and through downtown Kemi to the site.

Insights ● Video
Forward to a new era of textiles

Forward to a new era of textiles

Valmet is taking a strong role in the revolution of the textile industry. We see novel cellulose-based textiles and fiber-to-fiber textile recycling as the solution to a more sustainable and circular textile production. There are already existing technologies we can utilize – and new ones are underway. As our partner, you will have access to leading technology, automation and services to develop your sustainable textile fiber production.

Insights ● Video

Valmet Oyj: Acquisition of own shares on February 13, 2024

Releases ● Changes in company's own shares

Change in Valmet Oyj’s holding of treasury shares

Releases ● Changes in company's own shares

Valmet’s Half Year Financial Review January 1 – June 30, 2022: Orders received increased to EUR 1.3 billion and Comparable EBITA to EUR 122 million in the second quarter

Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Composition of Valmet’s Nomination Board

Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Valmet Oyj: Acquisition of own shares 18.02.2022

Releases ● Changes in company's own shares

Valmet Oyj: Acquisition of own shares 17.02.2022

Releases ● Changes in company's own shares