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Differential drive inspection - clutch, PIV, bearings and gears

Differential drive inspection - clutch, PIV, bearings and gears

The differential drive supplies power to the individual machine sections, and maintains a constant preset speed between those sections. The slightest speed difference between sections can result in a sheet break and lost production. Knowing the drive components and what to look for helps in preventive maintenance.

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Never straighten bent reel spool journals - safer to replace them

Never straighten bent reel spool journals - safer to replace them

Reel spools carry more load for their size than any other roll in the paper mill. Bent journals can break, causing the log to fall from the reel or storage reels onto the floor and bump into equipment and personnel.

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Wet streak caused by corrosion of roll shell, case study

Wet streak caused by corrosion of roll shell, case study

A wet streak leads to combined investigation by mill personnel and Valmet roll specialists. A suction roll cover is removed and analyzed, after which a metallurgist inspects the roll. The mill mechanic provides a key insight...

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Securing efficiency and continuous reliability improvement for your machine

Securing efficiency and continuous reliability improvement for your machine

Most equipment failures are random. For high value, critical equipment this program proactively does the right work at the right time and maximizes reliability.

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Flexible Service Agreement: Easy budgeting with predicable costs

Flexible Service Agreement: Easy budgeting with predicable costs

Valmet now offers a fixed price volume purchase agreement to improve mill operations. Regardless of service type, maintenance costs will now be predictable.

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SymRoll recommended maintenance - End seals & roll overhauls

SymRoll recommended maintenance - End seals & roll overhauls

For trouble-free functioning of SymRolls, the following are recommended maintenance regarding the end roll seals and overhauls (complete or regular operation).

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Hydraulic problems and their resolutions, actual examples

Hydraulic problems and their resolutions, actual examples

The following are real life examples of hydraulic problems Valmet Field Service experts found in the field and rectified during their visit.

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Improving reliability with SymBelt maintenance (webinar)

Improving reliability with SymBelt maintenance (webinar)

Shoe press reliability is critical. Proper care of SymBelt equipment improves production outcomes, decreases unplanned downtime and extends equipment lifespan.

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Sizer service case study – Size press inspection and repair

Sizer service case study – Size press inspection and repair

A size press in a U.S. mill had a history of not closing evenly, causing wrinkles as the nip closed and potentially causing sheet breaks. Valmet came to help…

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Common reel problem situations, causes, defects and remedies

Common reel problem situations, causes, defects and remedies

Faults or variations in the moisture content or thickness profile, paper filler variations, coating defects, and strong calendering may cause problems on the reel. This article reviews some common reel defects, their symptoms, causes and possible remedies.

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