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Chip 'n' Bark Moisture Analyzer

Chip 'n' Bark Moisture Analyzer

The Valmet Chip 'n' Bark Moisture Analyzer (Valmet CBA) offers pulp mills a new tool to advance productivity and efficiency

Automation solutions
Recovery Ash Analyzer

Recovery Ash Analyzer

Valmet Recovery Ash Analyzer offers an online solution for measuring ash composition at the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and ash treatment reject liquids. It also calculates the critical ash melting temperatures to determine fouling and corrosion risks.

Automation solutions
System architecture

System architecture

Valmet DNA system architecture enables use of the same platform for different types of controls like: process-, machine-, quality-, drive controls and optimizations. The architecture is scalable ranging from systems of few tens of I/O’s to systems with tens of thousands of I/O’s.

Automation solutions
Furnace Imaging System, IR

Furnace Imaging System, IR

Valmet Furnace Imaging System provides superior online visibility and temperature analysis based on an infrared camera.

Automation solutions
Residual Measurement

Residual Measurement

The Valmet Residual Measurement (Polarox6) is the sixth generation of Valmet’s inline measurements for pulp bleaching. Based on decades of experience in residual measurement, this robust and proven sensor features the latest automation technology.

Automation solutions
State-of-the-art software for ultimate quality control

State-of-the-art software for ultimate quality control

The most important task of the controls and optimizations is to provide the capability to produce stable quality efficiently at economical optimum. Valmet IQ Applications are the core of the system with clear user interface and intelligent control applications which allow you to manage the machine line performance. Efficient user experience gives a clear view of process performance and product quality, at all times.

Automation solutions
Valmet IQ Slice Profiler

Valmet IQ Slice Profiler

Valmet IQ Slice Profiler is a headbox slice positioning system which controls the headbox slice to achieve the best weight profile a headbox can produce.

Automation solutions
Condition monitoring

Condition monitoring

Valmet condition monitoring solutions produce the real-time machine health information you need for effective planning and scheduling of maintenance operations.

Automation solutions
Boiler Diagnostics Systems

Boiler Diagnostics Systems

Industrial furnace cameras and acoustic pyrometer solutions for combustion management.

Automation solutions
Field device management

Field device management

Automation solutions