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Manga LNG terminal controlled by Valmet DNA automation system

Manga LNG terminal controlled by Valmet DNA automation system

The Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment decided to build a new LNG terminal in Tornio, Finland, to promote sustainable economic growth. All the key processes of the terminal are controlled by Valmet DNA.

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Trouble-free production at Burgo’s Verzuolo paper mill

Trouble-free production at Burgo’s Verzuolo paper mill

Remote condition analysis with Valmet’s expert services has proved an invaluable tool for achieving trouble-free production at Burgo’s Verzuolo paper mill in Italy.

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Success with the Valmet Acoustic Pyrometer at the Xinyuan Power Plant

Success with the Valmet Acoustic Pyrometer at the Xinyuan Power Plant

Xinyuan power plant in China measures boiler furnace temperatures continuously with a Valmet's acoustic temperature measurement system.

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Automation upgrade ensures secure reserve energy

Automation upgrade ensures secure reserve energy

High cybersecurity, virtual servers and a web-based Valmet DNA User Interface enable Fingrid to reliably start up and operate its Tahkoluoto and Vaskiluoto reserve power plants in times of grid disturbances.

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Valmet's energy management boosts electricity purchasing efficiency

Valmet's energy management boosts electricity purchasing efficiency

Valmet’s energy management solution boosts electricity purchasing efficiency in energy-intensive industries.

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Digitization streamlines gas transport flows

Digitization streamlines gas transport flows

Virtuality brings a special flexibility to gas distribution that is supported by the Valmet DNA Integrated Operations data collection application.

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Valmet’s Performance Agreement for recovery boiler boosts performance at Eldorado Brasil

Valmet’s Performance Agreement for recovery boiler boosts performance at Eldorado Brasil

Valmet’s Performance Agreement for a recovery boiler with Eldorado Brasil contributed to a 15-month campaign with no washing stops and significant savings. The agreement includes Valmet Industrial Internet (VII) applications with local and remote expert support.

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Success in the German Solar gas turbine market

Success in the German Solar gas turbine market

NGT and Valmet have strengthened the gas turbine market together in Germany by modernizing seven gas turbines in the market in just five years.

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Ahto – Escorting LNG vessels with professionalism

Ahto – Escorting LNG vessels with professionalism

Arctia Karhu has several harbour icebreakers in the Finnish coastal waters. One of them is the harbor icebreaker Ahto. It is involved in supporting icy navigation and working as a tugboat to help LNG vessels get safely to the port. The operating process in the vessel is controlled using the Valmet DNA automation system.

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Fossil fuels replaced, CO2 emissions halved

Fossil fuels replaced, CO2 emissions halved

Lounavoima’s new waste-to-energy plant produces district heat and electricity from waste in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way in Salo, Finland. Valmet’s modern automation technology together with advanced monitoring and reporting solutions ensure smooth processes.

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