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Neles™ high pressure modular ball valves, series XH

Neles™ high pressure modular ball valves, series XH

Neles high pressure ball valves equipped with well-known valve technology including application based seat selection, material and coating technologies, robust bearing construction. These features ensure long lasting service life even in the most demanding applications in oil and gas processing.

Flow control
Neles™ PB series PFA lined ball valve

Neles™ PB series PFA lined ball valve

Neles PB series PFA lined ball valve is a full bore design to minimize pressure loss and provide maximum flow capacity. The flow port and internal parts are fully covered with PFA for excellent corrosion resistance.

Flow control
Jamesbury™ ball valve, series 7RRR/RRT/RRU

Jamesbury™ ball valve, series 7RRR/RRT/RRU

Flow control
Jamesbury™ ball valve, series 9RET/9REL

Jamesbury™ ball valve, series 9RET/9REL

Flow control
Neles™ 6D ball valve

Neles™ 6D ball valve

We see the world in 6D. There are so many dimensions to this Neles 6D ball valve, that your average three just isn’t enough. By doubling up on features and options, we can truly deliver new dimensions to ball valve performance.

Neles™ three lever 
valve for Air Separation Units (ASU), series BH

Neles™ three lever valve for Air Separation Units (ASU), series BH

Neles lever valves are designed to air separation unit air inlet shut-off valve. They feature self-locking safety design for a specified differential pressure. The lever arrangement provides valve operation with low friction. The sealing sections are not subjected to abrasion wear, resulting in extremely low torque level.

Flow control
Jamesbury butterfly valves

Jamesbury butterfly valves

The combination of a unique off-center disc, proprietary seat design, Xtreme™ sealing technology, and other features make our Wafer-Sphere™ high-performance butterfly valve a tight-sealing, long-lasting, yet lighter and lower-cost alternative to gate valves and other heavier rotary-type designs.

Flow control
capping valves

Neles™ capping valves

Neles series PZ capping valve offers a solution for automatic opening and closing of batch digester for chip fill. Capping valve increases considerably digester chip fill process efficiency and operator safety.

Flow control
Solenoid and air operated valves

Solenoid and air operated valves

Our solenoid valves and air operated valves are all based on modern designs and communication technologies. We offer a comprehensive range of spool type direction control valves for actuation in various pneumatic applications. The range includes all types of direction control valves required for process automation.

Flow control
Flowrox™ heavy duty pinch valves

Flowrox™ heavy duty pinch valves

Flowrox PV, PVE and PVE/S heavy duty pinch valves are designed for shut off and control applications involving abrasive or corrosive slurries, powders or granular substances. In the open position, the valve is full bore with no flow restrictions. During closing, two pinch bars squeeze the valve sleeve shut on the center line. Bubble tight shut-off is provided even if solids have built up on the sleeve wall.

Flow control