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The Advantage DCT concept crosses borders

The Advantage DCT concept crosses borders

Last year Valmet’s tissue business passed several important milestones; tissue machine number 200 was sold to China. A total of 50 Advantage DCT tissue lines have been sold worldwide since the launch in 2005, and seven customers have bought two or more machines.

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Highest electrical efficiency from waste: Lahti Energia, Lahti Finland

Highest electrical efficiency from waste: Lahti Energia, Lahti Finland

Lahti Energy’s Kymijärvi II power plant, the world’s first eco-gas fueled power plant, was inaugurated in 2012. The power plant runs on SRF that is gasified, cooled and cleaned before combustion and produces 50 MW of electricity and 90 MW of district heat for the city of Lahti in Finland.

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OptiConcept M –Setting new standards

OptiConcept M –Setting new standards

Economy of total investment, personnel safety, easy machine usability and reduction of environmental load were the key targets guiding the development work of a group of experts responsible for new paper and board making concept, OptiConcept M.

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Unique cooperation agreement with the Hallsta mill

Unique cooperation agreement with the Hallsta mill

A unique roll service agreement was signed at Holmen Paper’s Hallsta mill in Sweden on June 22, 2011. “We have exceptionally high expectations for this agreement – and I’m not just talking about the quality of roll grinding and improved maintenance,", says Daniel Peltonen, Technical Manager at Holmen Paper Hallsta.

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Sizer roll cover lasted for 55 weeks

Sizer roll cover lasted for 55 weeks

“The roll replacement cycle was far too short, so we needed covers that would better withstand wear and deformation. The potential performance offered by Valmet Sizer Roll Cover SH convinced us,” says Mill Service Manager Harri Siitonen.

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Inauguration of the biomass power plant in Zwickau

Inauguration of the biomass power plant in Zwickau

The almost year-round, weather-independent, 24/7 product of renewable energy with Valmet's technology in Zwickau, Germany.

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Breakthrough in sheet strength management

Breakthrough in sheet strength management

Valmet’s fiber microscope measurement is enabling a paradigm shift in how LC refining is controlled to achieve final sheet properties in a cost-effective way

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Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL – double the run time with Valmet’s new calender roll cover

Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL – double the run time with Valmet’s new calender roll cover

The high-end calender roll cover CalLeopard has achieved promising results, with mills reporting extended running times and trouble-free maintenance. The composite cover is uniquely designed to meet the tough calendering requirements.

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Energy efficient OCC line at Orora Botany Mill

Energy efficient OCC line at Orora Botany Mill

Orora is pleased with the performance of the OCC line. It produces very clean results with few specks and very low stickie counts despite exceptionally dirty raw materials. It is also efficient in energy terms.

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Helping out a children's home in South Africa

Helping out a children's home in South Africa

Valmet’s team in South Africa decided to look at its local community, see what is being done close to them, and then give their support.

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