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Energy articles

Biomass gasification eliminates fossil fuels in the pulp mill

Biomass gasification eliminates fossil fuels in the pulp mill

Valmet delivered two biomass gasifiers to OKI Pulp & Paper Mills' pulp mill project in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The gasifiers utilize circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology and their capacity is 110 MW each.

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Valmet-supplied gasification plant inaugurated at Göteborg Energi's GoBiGas in Sweden

Valmet-supplied gasification plant inaugurated at Göteborg Energi's GoBiGas in Sweden

The Valmet-supplied gasification plant at GoBiGas (Gothenburg Biomass Gasification Project) was inaugurated on March 12, 2014 in Gothenburg.

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More fuel flexibility with recovered fuel-fired boiler

More fuel flexibility with recovered fuel-fired boiler

A new co-incineration plant with the world’s largest recovered fuel fired boiler is providing Mälarenergi in Västerås, Sweden, with more fuel flexibility. It is also an investment in better sustainability.

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Increased efficiency for CHP plants and paper mills

Increased efficiency for CHP plants and paper mills

Process efficiency can be significantly increased by utilizing flue gas condensing to recover heat: a source of energy that typically goes up in smoke.

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Boosting energy production with data

Boosting energy production with data

How can you run a power plant at peak performance in all situations while improving its availability and profitability? It is possible with efficient use of data and analytics combined with a deep understanding of power plant processes.

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Developing lead engineers’ competencies

Developing lead engineers’ competencies

Three years ago, Pulp and Energy business line launched a global training program to offer the lead engineers a possibility to develop their competences. In 2020 the training program was arranged fully virtually, using online tools and virtual facilitation methods.

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Strengthened foothold in emission control

Strengthened foothold in emission control

Recent acquisitions expand Valmet’s air emission control solutions portfolio and increase its competence in providing more comprehensive services for environmental systems.

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A boiler rebuild is a shortcut to improved performance

A boiler rebuild is a shortcut to improved performance

A boiler rebuild or conversion can provide power producers with improved new combustion technology, for a significantly lower investment cost than for a new boiler.

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Celebrating the groundbreaking ceremony for Vantaa Energy's high-temperature incineration plant

Celebrating the groundbreaking ceremony for Vantaa Energy's high-temperature incineration plant

Vantaa Energy is one of Finland’s largest city energy companies, producing heat, electricity and energy efficiency services. The company’s newest waste-to-energy plant is now under construction, and its groundbreaking ceremony was celebrated in Vantaa, Finland, on September 13, 2023.

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