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Eliminate the silo mentality with Liquor Cycle Optimization

Eliminate the silo mentality with Liquor Cycle Optimization

Avoid the silo effect. Optimal pulp mill operation is achieved when single unit operation is evaluated from the perspective of the entire mill.

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Flow control part of energy transition

Flow control part of energy transition

Energy transition and the move toward greener energy production is a hot topic also for our flow control customers who are exploring and investing in new ways to produce more sustainable energy. What is the biggest challenge for valves? What is the winning technology for producing future energy?

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Future-proofing valve control

Future-proofing valve control

New distributed control systems (DCSs) reduce operating expenses in a range of cement production processes, including the operation and maintenance costs of valves. Valmet explains the importance of DCSs and highlights advances in valve and pump technology

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Finetrol's plug shape – Ask the flow control expert

Finetrol's plug shape – Ask the flow control expert

Finetrol’s plug shape differs from other eccentric rotary plug valves on the market. What is the practical value of this design difference?

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LNG processing and intelligent valves for a demanding service

LNG processing and intelligent valves for a demanding service

The demand for natural gas is increasing globally due to its clean-burning characteristics, which is especially true for producing electricity and many industries are looking into LNG as an alternative, cleaner source of energy. For LNG producers the difference between running safe, profitable plants often comes down to choosing flow control partners with the experience and knowledge to get the job done right.

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World-class valve automation for any valve

World-class valve automation for any valve

For many, the first thing that comes into mind when we mention the name Neles is valves. While we have decades of experience in manufacturing industry-leading valves, we also have decades of experience in automating them. And not just Neles™ and Jamesbury™ valves, but any valve by any major manufacturer.

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Finding the benefits of unified valve automation

Finding the benefits of unified valve automation

The benefits that come from selecting Valmet valve automation components for your automated valves makes perfect sense. Our devices deliver safe and reliable performance, they provide a competitive total cost of ownership (TCO) across their entire lifecycle.

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3D printing adds real value

3D printing adds real value

Has 3D printing past the innovation phase?

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Leveraging vendor partnerships

Leveraging vendor partnerships

Together, as partners, reliability, plant operation and equipment performance can be greatly improved.

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Innovation is embedded in our DNA

Innovation is embedded in our DNA

It is our DNA to design and manufacture high-quality products that respond to customer demands and requirements. In the past decades, our company’s technology has evolved along with the trends that have shaped the manufacturing sector in general.

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