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Co-creating customer value and innovation with design thinking

Co-creating customer value and innovation with design thinking

How can design thinking be used and measured more strategically, and how do we implement it? Listen to some fascinating case examples from our guest speaker Timo Tiainen, representing Kone Corporation, and Valmet’s own design expert Mari Airio, and find out why design thinking matters, regardless of the business context.

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How to maximize value of agreements for all parties?

How to maximize value of agreements for all parties?

Well prepared agreements create the basis and trust for good cooperation between the parties. Contract design and data management are an essential part of a good agreement process. It is also good to understand the key friction points when planning agreements.

Insights ● Podcast
Wood-based fiber - new opportunities

Wood-based fiber - new opportunities

The growing demand for sustainable materials in packaging as well as in textile materials calls for new innovations in wood-based fiber products. Listen in and be updated on wood-based fiber product innovations and achieving sustainability targets.

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Learning services newsletter

Learning services newsletter

A decade of continuous improvement and renewal

A decade of continuous improvement and renewal

Over the years, we have lived our motto “Forward” – always with a future-oriented mindset with the target of bringing the best innovations for our customers’ benefit and consistently promoting sustainable business practices.

Insights ● Forward magazine
A stronger Valmet at your service!

A stronger Valmet at your service!

The merger of Neles into Valmet brought together two companies with complementary offerings. Our unique offering is also key to improving production efficiencies and reducing environmental impact.

Insights ● Forward magazine

Forward 1/2020


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Evaluate your fiber mix in tissue making- lower carbon footprint and costs

Evaluate your fiber mix in tissue making- lower carbon footprint and costs

Evaluating what raw material to source, the amount needed and carefully selecting the best process technology solutions can make a big difference, not only related to cost, but also for the environment.

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