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The proposal of Valmet’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board for the composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors and amending the Charter of the Nomination Board

Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Directed share issue related to reward payment of Valmet’s long-term share-based incentive plan

Releases ● Changes in company's own shares

Valmet’s Interim Review January 1 – March 31, 2021: Orders received increased to EUR 1.3 billion and Comparable EBITA to EUR 80 million in the first quarter

Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Directed share issue related to reward payment of Valmet’s long-term share-based incentive plan

Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Notice convening the Annual General Meeting

Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Valmet has proposed a statutory merger between Valmet and Neles to the Board of Directors of Neles

Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Valmet withdraws its guidance for 2020 due to increased uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Releases ● Stock exchange releases


Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Valmet's Half Year Financial Review January 1 – June 30, 2020: Orders received decreased to EUR 826 million and Comparable EBITA increased to EUR 76 million in the second quarter

Releases ● Stock exchange releases

Notification according to chapter 9, section 5 and 6 of the Securities Market Act: BlackRock, Inc ownership in Valmet excluding shares and voting rights through financial instruments below 5 percent

Releases ● Stock exchange releases