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Saving energy

Saving energy

CMPC Talagante chose Valmet Advantage DCT, the most energy efficient tissue machine in the world

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Be different, be successful

Be different, be successful

When the goal was set in 2013 it looked almost impossible to reach. But less than five years later, Lee & Man Paper had made it: with the help of Valmet, they made it to the top three in the Chinese tissue market.

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Tissue paper production line startup – a matter of give and take

Tissue paper production line startup – a matter of give and take

Running a tissue line installation project involving several suppliers most certainly raises a lot of questions and concerns. A clear vision, well-defined targets and a clear roadmap help to set the direction for all. Velvet CARE in Poland knows what that means in practice.

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Is China ready for kitchen towel?

Is China ready for kitchen towel?

China, like much of East Asia, has long been an elusive market for producers of kitchen towel rolls. However, recent trends indicate that this may not be the case for much longer. Developments in Chinese tissue consumption suggest that the market for towel is posed to break wide open. With in-depth consumer research, suitable technology, and an experienced and capable partner, the right kind of kitchen towel could be a golden opportunity for tissue producers bold enough to take the first step.

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Cogeneration for increased energy efficiency

Cogeneration for increased energy efficiency

Tissue manufacturing involves extremely intensive activities, demanding vast quantities of electrical and thermal energy. Consequently, any solution that optimizes the use of these resources is of utmost importance from both economic and environmental standpoints.

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CRE8 4PEOPLE a contest with the target to make a difference

CRE8 4PEOPLE a contest with the target to make a difference

Can a company like Valmet contribute to social sustainability; care for employees and their wellbeing and also engage in the society they are living in? Something that really makes a difference? The answer is CRE8 4People a unique challenge in social sustainability.

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Keeping the wheels rolling when the world is slowing down

Keeping the wheels rolling when the world is slowing down

Italy is closed. Totally. Office workers are utilizing Smart working from home. You can't go anywhere without permission, except to the grocery store or pharmacy. Recently the government implemented even stricter regulations where most of the industries must close their production, except a few that are considered sensitive for the country. Production of paper making machines is still allowed to operate so far.

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Crown Paper’s new tissue line - the jewel in the crown

Crown Paper’s new tissue line - the jewel in the crown

When Crown Paper Mill decided to build a new tissue line in Abu Dhabi they had to face a critical issue: How to build an efficient and sustainable tissue production line in an area with limited natural resources like energy, water and raw materials?

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World tissue production record at Aktül Kagit in Turkey

World tissue production record at Aktül Kagit in Turkey

Aktul started their first Valmet machine in 2011 and the second in 2016. Today their third Advantage DCT machine is on its way. But already in 2015, they reached their first production record on TM1, of 74,000 tons in one year. Read about how they managed to beat their own record with TM1 again as the shining star.

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Alas Doradas is levelling up in Central America

Alas Doradas is levelling up in Central America

Alas Doradas in El Salvador is aiming for market leadership in Central America. Their strategy is to produce high-quality products using cutting-edge technology. The new Valmet Advantage™ DCT® tissue line enables them to double their capacity.

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