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High-speed scanners for precise quality control

High-speed scanners for precise quality control

At the heart of the Valmet IQ quality control systems are Valmet IQ Scanners. Featuring unique adaptive scanning capabilities, they can be used with a wide of range high-quality online measurements for precise quality control.

Automation solutions
Predictive Monitoring for Valmet IQ Scanner - Valmet

Predictive Monitoring for Valmet IQ Scanner - Valmet

The Predictive Monitoring service uses real-time data and alerts to catch potential issues early and ensure your IQ Scanner always performs at its best.

Controls & optimization

Controls & optimization

Valmet DNA and DNAe Distributed Control Systems provide a flexible platform for process automation applications. Applications enable you to use the same automation system for all needs. The web-based DNAe User Interface is the home of applications and provides the most meaningful information to all process automation users according to their roles, regardless of their location.

Automation solutions
Roll types

Roll types

Shoe press belts for pulp drying

Shoe press belts for pulp drying

Valmet Black Belt shoe press belt responds to the demands the shoe press of a drying machine sets to belts. The belt features long lifetime and high impact strength, and contributes to high dry content.

Pressure cyclone

Pressure cyclone

A pressure cyclone is designed to separate steam from the pulp. The de-steamed pulp is transported to a latency tank and the steam is recycled in the process.



Valmet’s unique and wide range of medium consistency pumps enables the most energy and cost-efficient pump choice for each application. The selection consists of two types of pumps: the CM type for feeding bleaching stages and reactors, and the CW type for feeding presses.

HC Cleaner

HC Cleaner

Efficient cleaning results eliminate disturbances and wear of key process equipment and means savings in the form of improved efficiency in the following processes.

White liquor handling

White liquor handling

White liquor from the plant should be of a consistent quality and have the optimal strength suitable for the plant. Modern digesters need a high and consistent quality of white liquor to produce the optimal pulp quality and yield.

Valmet Vacuum Filter

Valmet Vacuum Filter

Valmet's CCA model Vacuum Filters  are suitable for all washing applications in the fiberline. They have a unique open-drum design, which provides many benefits compared to conventional drop-leg drum filters.
