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Field Report - Basic steps for troubleshooting hydraulic issues

Field Report - Basic steps for troubleshooting hydraulic issues

There are many ways to diagnose hydraulic issues. Here are a list of some basic steps to follow, from research to working safely onsite to troubleshoot the problem.

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Follow this checklist to troubleshoot CD moisture profiles

Follow this checklist to troubleshoot CD moisture profiles

Poor CD moisture profiles are usually caused in the press or forming sections, but the dryer section can also play a role. Follow these troubleshooting tips to improve your CD moisture profiles.

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Hydraulic safety, general practice reminders and troubleshooting

Hydraulic safety, general practice reminders and troubleshooting

Excessive heat and noise are prime indicators of fluid system malfunction on fiber, paper, board and tissue machine lines. But before jumping in to fix a fluids problem - there are several safety factors to consider before and during maintenance. In this article we list these, as well as basic troubleshooting tips for fluids.

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Follow maintenance safety precautions while in the dryer section

Follow maintenance safety precautions while in the dryer section

Since dryer sections require use of high temperatures and pressures, they must be treated with caution. The nature of the dryers’ function and required operating care make it important that they be given close attention in the mill safety program.

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Field Report - Reel safety (maintenance)

Field Report - Reel safety (maintenance)

Maintenance personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the OEM equipment manual before performing any maintenance procedures on the reel. When performing any maintenance on the reel, the following safety guidelines should be followed:

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Table of ream sizes for common paper, board and tissue grades

Table of ream sizes for common paper, board and tissue grades

This table lists ream sizes by paper grade including lbs/ream to grams/square meter conversion factors.

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Reviewing Yankee dryer condition and performance with inspections

Reviewing Yankee dryer condition and performance with inspections

The Yankee dryer is one of the most essential parts of the tissue machine. This pressure vessel serves as a base for creping, pressing and drying of the paper sheet. Condition and performance of the Yankee should be monitored regularly.

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Suction roll bearing failure - monitoring and lubrication tips

Suction roll bearing failure - monitoring and lubrication tips

One of the most sensitive components of the roll, the internal bearing is difficult to maintain and unforgiving when it fails. Accelerometers are an effective means of monitoring and predicting suction roll bearing failure.

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Improved rope runs with minimum changes, two-machine case study

Improved rope runs with minimum changes, two-machine case study

In this case study, two paper machines were rebuilt to improve their rope runs. The rope systems were made much more reliable by making a minimum of changes. Valmet changed the transfer philosophy from tear-off to tail-release. The results were less fouling of return runs and less debris.

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LWC machine forming fabric MD ridging problem, a case study

LWC machine forming fabric MD ridging problem, a case study

Distortions in fabrics, such as ridges, cause basis weight profile problems. In this case study, the culprit was found to be a tiny speck of rust - which created a large and expensive problem.

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