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Flowrox control and shut-off pinch valves succeed  in ore and water treatment plants in a Spanish mine

Flowrox control and shut-off pinch valves succeed in ore and water treatment plants in a Spanish mine

After seven years of implementation of Flowrox™ pinch valves in a concentration plant, customer remains satisfied with the cost savings combined with reliable operation and easy valve maintenance. All 330 pinch valves were installed in an extension of their ore and water treatment plant. The project basically consisted of duplicating the size of an existing plant.

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12 recommendations to minimize capital project start-up problems and lower total cost of ownership

12 recommendations to minimize capital project start-up problems and lower total cost of ownership

Valves are a major investment, in every sense of the word, for process industry brownfield and greenfield projects. Particular attention is given to valves in severe, operation-critical, and safety-critical applications – products on which Valmet's flow control business has built its reputation – to ensure a timely and successful plant start-up. Read on to see our expert's recommendations.

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Problem solving keeps work motivation high

Problem solving keeps work motivation high

Irina started her Valmet journey as a summer trainee around 10 years ago. Over the years she has gained experience through various different roles. Read more about Irina's career development and what her typical work day looks like.

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Klabin stabilizes its pulp mill production

Klabin stabilizes its pulp mill production

The Expertune PlantTriage software helped stabilize the operation and achieve chemical savings at Klabin’s Ortigueira mill.

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Focus on fugitive emissions

Focus on fugitive emissions

Eliminating fugitive emissions is a matter of both safety and sustainability. These are topics that we take very seriously. In addition ...

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Efficiency takes more than just valves

Efficiency takes more than just valves

Process control efficiency often directly correlates to improved profitability and environmental performance.

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Information is power in an increasingly digital pulp & paper industry

Information is power in an increasingly digital pulp & paper industry

Information is at the heart of digitalization, and the production process for bioproducts such as pulp and paper, is full of it. As ...

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Wear protection is no-longer skin deep – the beauty of eliminating erosion start from the inside

Wear protection is no-longer skin deep – the beauty of eliminating erosion start from the inside

We know that the smallest of things can result in some of the biggest issues. Issues that can result in considerable unplanned costs.

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Neles ValvGuard Diagnostics - Ask the flow control expert

Neles ValvGuard Diagnostics - Ask the flow control expert

There are two tests in Neles ValvGuard™ (VG9000), where the most important diagnostics are based on partial stroke testing (PST) and the internal pneumatics test. Janne Laaksonen, Senior product manager at Valmet, discusses the available diagnostics in more detail.

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SCA pulp and paper plant sets new standards

SCA pulp and paper plant sets new standards

Sustainability and high plant availability are the main requirements of the paper and pulp industry. This goes for SCA as well, which operates its largest European integrated plant for the manufacture of tissue products in Mannheim, Germany. Among other products, some 120,000 tons of pulp are produced here annually in a continuous digester.

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