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APRIL Kerinci PM3

Mastering tissue production to reach new records

Mastering tissue production to reach new records

When a highly skilled team works with the very best tissue machine technology, the result can be a work of art. Fine Hygienic Holding’s Al Nakheel mill recently witnessed a truly magical moment as they hit a world speed record of 2,222 meters per minute!

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Boosting coating performance with intelligence

Boosting coating performance with intelligence

The UPM Kaukas mill in Lappeenranta, Finland, has been able to enhance web handling, runnability and roll cover performance by using Valmet’s intelligent roll cover solutions in the demanding coating process.

Insights ● Customer story
Seeking excellence with polarized forming fabrics

Seeking excellence with polarized forming fabrics

In 2016, Valmet introduced a new generation of forming fabrics with a polarized structure. Customer experiences have shown that these polarized forming fabrics have the potential to revolutionize water removal in the papermaking process.

Insights ● Customer story
Care for water: Reduce and re-use

Care for water: Reduce and re-use

There are many driving forces for a tissue producer to understand the water balance of the mill and take control of how water is used. A large part of the populated world is experiencing water scarcity and companies have an expectation to proactively work towards reducing their water footprint for a more water-secure future.

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Sustainable, cost-effective and high-quality tissue with hybrid technology

Sustainable, cost-effective and high-quality tissue with hybrid technology

How can you use the optimal combination of energy and fiber to reduce the environmental impact of tissue production? In this article, we discuss what hybrid technology can offer in sustainability, cost-effectiveness and quality to achieve an optimal product.

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Klabin's PUMA pulp project

Klabin's PUMA pulp project

The construction of a large-scale pulp facility is not an easy task. A greenfield project includes tonnes of equipment and thousands of people, from the project design phase to groundbreaking works, erection, commissioning, and the final start-up process. The key is to successfully gather different stakeholders from multidisciplinary teams.

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Valmet Airborne Dryer

Valmet Airborne Dryer

The redesigned Airborne dryer is today setting the new market standard for pulp drying technology, delivering the best production efficiency, reliability and energy consumption. The dryer is engineered for safe and easy running and maintenance.

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Flexibility for the future

Flexibility for the future

To meet increasing product requirements and enhance safety, SCA Ortviken paper mill in Sweden installed a RoboCoiler pulp bale dewiring machine. The results have been excellent from several key perspectives. With a flexible process and improved working environment, the mill is ready for the future.

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Valmet Airborne Dryer - Reducing costs for both installation and operations

Valmet Airborne Dryer - Reducing costs for both installation and operations

The Valmet Airborne Dryer has been developed to keep customer’s investment and operating costs to a minimum. A key driving principle in the work has been that our customers must achieve the highest possible cost efficiency.

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