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Tissue Technology Award 2015 to Abdus Salam

Valmet's Tissue Technology Award promotes sustainable innovations for the benefit of the tissue industry. 2015 year's winner, Mr. Abdus Salam from the Research Associate of North Carolina State University, USA, was honored in a ceremony in Barcelona.

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Setting out on a new path with Valmet’s Advantage™ ViscoNip® press rebuild

Setting out on a new path with Valmet’s Advantage™ ViscoNip® press rebuild

The road to lower tissue production carbon emissions is not always direct. But various rebuild opportunities offer ways to find improvements. The Valmet Advantage™ ViscoNip® press is a trusted solution with 100 pieces sold. Hear tissue makers around the world share their experiences with the Valmet Advantage™ ViscoNip® press!

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Reliable paper machine clothing gives peace of mind for Ittihad Paper Mill

Reliable paper machine clothing gives peace of mind for Ittihad Paper Mill

The special relationship between Ittihad Paper Mill and Valmet extends from supporting the establishment of the greenfield plant to delivering the mill’s entire production line. Valmet is also the sole supplier for paper machine clothing for the mill.

Insights ● Customer story
Valmet Performance Centers provide real value with remote services

Valmet Performance Centers provide real value with remote services

Through remote connections and Industrial Internet, experts can work seamlessly together utilizing analytical tools to solve problems and optimize performance remotely. For customers, this means faster and better service, because they can get the fast response and expert advice they need, anytime and anywhere in the world.

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Speeding up remotely at Jeesr Industries

Speeding up remotely at Jeesr Industries

Thanks to advanced digital tools and the mutual trust between Valmet and Jeesr Industries, their tissue machine’s targeted speed increase was successfully achieved, despite the ongoing pandemic.

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Cooperation moves Whakatane forward

Cooperation moves Whakatane forward

The Whakatane board mill in New Zealand was able to optimize their existing processes to gain their maximum potential through a Performance Agreement with Valmet.

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Hard news for boardmakers

Hard news for boardmakers

As a pioneer in ceramic coatings, Valmet has gathered its decades of experience to introduce a new generation of ceramic roll covers for lead rolls. In containerboard machines, these hard and extremely durable coatings ensure longer run time and better reliability.

Insights ● Customer story
Collaboration and process optimization are keys to sustainable improvements for CMPC Maule in Chile

Collaboration and process optimization are keys to sustainable improvements for CMPC Maule in Chile

Situated in central Chile, CMPC Maule is the country’s leading cardboard manufacturers. Thanks to the latest cutting-edge technology and advanced data analysis, they are optimizing their production – with excellent results.

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How to move the pulp and paper industry toward carbon neutrality?

How to move the pulp and paper industry toward carbon neutrality?

What is carbon neutrality? What kind of targets and measures are needed to achieve carbon neutrality in the pulp and paper industry?

Insights ● Podcast
Positive results for Valmet BioTrac Technology in Italian project

Positive results for Valmet BioTrac Technology in Italian project

Valmet has worked in close cooperation together with Hera Group and Ayrion to develop an innovative prototype based on the Valmet BioTrac pretreatment technology. It is part of the Life Steam project* with the ambition to effectively pretreat green waste before sending it to anaerobic digestion. After months of intense work, the project is coming to an end and is showing good results.

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