Biosludge Treatment
Valmet offers a cost-effective and easy way to dispose of biosludge.
PulpBiosludge Treatment
Valmet offers a cost-effective and easy way to dispose of biosludge.
PulpTurpentine decanting
Sulfate turpentine is an economically important by-product which can be recovered from the Kraft pulping of resinous woods. High separation efficiency of turpentine from water phase is possible in a Linder type turpentine decanter. The turpentine decanter is in principal a cylindrical vessel, equipped with a conical funnel in the bottom part and with an overflow for separated turpentine in the upper part.
PulpMill Wide NCG Handling
The benefits of Valmet’s cutting-edge NCG handling technology include effective odor control and the ability to meet the ever-tightening environmental regulations, and consequently better relationships with the surrounding communities.
PulpRCI9H2 for Neles™ ValvGuard™ VG9000
RCI9H2 is intended to be used together with the Neles ValvGuard VG9000H. It is needed when a 24 VDC output (DO) is used in the safety system. RCI9H2 is connected between the safety system and the field device VG9000H. The primary function of RCI9H2 is to convert a safety DO into a SIL 3 compatible 4-20mA current signal. RCI9H2 also provides relay outputs for monitoring the test and alarm status of the VG9000H.
Flow controlContrôleurs de vannes
High availability and easy interpretation are the key success factors in effective field device data analysis. Neles valve controllers support standardized technologies and ensure the availability and usability of diagnostics information independent of your control, safety or asset management system.
Flow controlMasters/Gateways
Devices control communication networks and offer many options for interfacing with your control architecture.
Drop connectors
Drop connectors offer a variety of switching and protection options providing improved reliability, enhanced safety and increased network maintainability.
Model selection guide
FM Class I, II, III Division 2
Stonel products
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