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Valmet composite cover for wire, felt and paper lead rolls

Valmet composite cover for wire, felt and paper lead rolls

Valmet Lead Roll Cover GC composite cover for wire, felt and paper lead rolls features long service life due to good wear and chemical resistance.

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Improve safety at your boiler with a furnace inspection camera

Improve safety at your boiler with a furnace inspection camera

Maintaining safe, efficient and environmentally compliant boiler operations is very important. Valmet's Mobile Furnace Inspection Camera System improves the boiler operation decision-making process.

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Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL-EC for extreme calendering

Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL-EC for extreme calendering

Under extreme conditions, when load and speed are high and cover durability is tested, special covers are needed. The Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL-EC (extreme conditions) is designed to increase heat dissipation from dynamic loading and resist barring and wear.

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Cost-saving felt conditioning with Valmet Uhle Box Cover

Cost-saving felt conditioning with Valmet Uhle Box Cover

Uhle boxes clean the felt by pulling water and fiber from the felt as it passes over the vacuum zone. Valmet Uhle Box Cover increases dewatering and reduces vacuum consumption in the press section compared to slotted covers.

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Controlling sulfidity in a modern kraft pulp mill, case study

Controlling sulfidity in a modern kraft pulp mill, case study

Creating valuable side streams from the kraft pulping process can disturb the sodium sulfur balance. Valmet has expanded the sulfidity control toolbox with a process to oxidize sulfur containing CNCGs to relatively concentrated sulfuric acid. A white paper describes the first full-scale plant using this process.

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Improving recovery boiler cooling and washing practices

Improving recovery boiler cooling and washing practices

The length of a mill outage is frequently set by the time needed for recovery boiler cooling, washing, inspections and repairs. The ways cooling and washing are carried out can be optimized so that the total outage time can be reduced.

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Save energy in grinding with Valmet Grinding Services Galileo

Save energy in grinding with Valmet Grinding Services Galileo

With the diamond coated surfaces of Galileo grinding segments, mills can both improve energy efficiency and production of the grinder. Possibilities include cost savings of 20 EUR/ton, increased pulp production of 25-40% and improved fiber quality.

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Valmet Industrial Internet helps mills predict the future

Valmet Industrial Internet helps mills predict the future

Successful companies will increasingly base their decision making on insights, predictions and prescriptions provided by artificial intelligence applications.

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Drone services provide faster and safer cleaning (webinar)

Drone services provide faster and safer cleaning (webinar)

Dust settles on horizontal construction frames, crane assemblies and electrical cable support rails, creating fire hazards and dangers for processes underneath.

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Answering your questions about Autonomous Mills (webinar)

Answering your questions about Autonomous Mills (webinar)

Mills are interested in how to achieve autonomous mill operations. What decision making automation is needed, and how does this fit with mill plans?

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