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Molecular sieving made efficient with smart valve selection

Molecular sieving made efficient with smart valve selection

The chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries are constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency, economics and safety of ...

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Small decisions, big significance

Small decisions, big significance

Industrial gas processes are known to have high requirements on absolute gas production plant availability. Maximal availability is ...

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Fugitive emissions efficiency

Fugitive emissions efficiency

Emission reduction has been a global megatrend for quite a long time. Emissions are being monitored for just about any product available ...

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Innovative noise attenuating Neles™ Q-Trim technology brings significant savings and improves safety

Innovative noise attenuating Neles™ Q-Trim technology brings significant savings and improves safety

A leading North American pipeline owner was able to solve cavitation, vibration and noise issues in pipeline pump station control ...

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Aromatics processing made safe and efficient with proper valve selection

Aromatics processing made safe and efficient with proper valve selection

For reliable and safe aromatics processing, the valve selection and sizing should be done carefully. Understanding the design ...

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Taking the guesswork out of properly sizing an assembly

Taking the guesswork out of properly sizing an assembly

The cause of the valve-related problems encountered in industrial applications often lies in an inadequate selection of valves in terms ...

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Reliable operations secured at Michigan Sugar with Flowrox™ valves and pumps

Reliable operations secured at Michigan Sugar with Flowrox™ valves and pumps

It is obvious that for the process to work efficiently and without problems, it is necessary to choose the right equipment in the right places for the process. This once again proved to be true, when Michigan Sugar was facing problems with valves in a well-oiled, meticulous system that was getting jammed up by a simple cast-iron butterfly valve. Another problem they faced was with pumping calcium. The plates of the pump were wearing out too fast and the costs were thus unbearable. 

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Flow control partner spotlight: Troya Proses

Flow control partner spotlight: Troya Proses

Channel partners provide a valuable network to support our flow control customers all over the world. We interviewed valuable partner Troya Proses from Turkey.

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Quality brings competitive advantage

Quality brings competitive advantage

Quality is a holistic part of an organization’s total competitive advantage, and the role of the customer has thus become increasingly central in quality work. Quality is also connected with a company’s business strategy, management and leadership – and is seen as everyone’s responsibility.

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Industrial design can be decisive in competition

Industrial design can be decisive in competition

Industrial design plays a large role in improving the user experience, even if many technology companies do not make large investments in it in term of resources.

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