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Challenges and solutions for molsieve dryer processes

Challenges and solutions for molsieve dryer processes

Molecular sieves, or molsieves, are used in the refining and petrochemical process industries as adsorbents. They are mainly used in scenarios whereby very dry streams are required, helping to remove water and other oxygen sources to avoid catalyst deactivation and potential corrosion problems in the process plant. Molsieves exist in different pore sizes and their use varies between applications.

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Reliable Flowrox™ metering pumps eliminate chemical spills in a waste water treatment plant

Reliable Flowrox™ metering pumps eliminate chemical spills in a waste water treatment plant

Camden Waste Water Treatment Plant needed a more reliable and safer dosing operation than the previous selected solutions. To meet their needs, we worked closely with the consulting engineer and assisted with the selection of the most advantageous and suitable Flowrox™ metering pumps in a wall mount packaged pumping systems.

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Minerals industry demands robust, reliable flow control

Minerals industry demands robust, reliable flow control

Minerals and metals industry is made up of a broad and complex set of sub-industries. Heikki Kärki, Industry Manager discussed key themes.

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Reinventing reliability through Additive Manufacturing

Reinventing reliability through Additive Manufacturing

Reinventing reliability is a critical mission that impacts technology and product development at Neles (now Valmet Flow Control business line). In this article, Jukka Borgman, Director of Technology Development, talks about Additive Manufacturing – more commonly known as 3D printing. He is very much involved to push technology development of AM within the company.

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Erosion can be stopped

Erosion can be stopped

Erosion can be stopped: Many of the problems associated with erosion in valves can be controlled with proper selection and sizing, whilst alternative materials of construction can be a solution for more severe applications.

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Using digitalization to boost efficiency

Using digitalization to boost efficiency

As a valve manufacturer, Neles’ goal is to meet the customer’s current and future expectations. Those expectations, are often focused on getting the maximum availability out of their valves and systems. That’s why Neles can supply not just products, such as control valves, actuators and positioners, but also a whole suite of related services.

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Condition monitoring drives reliability and process improvement

Condition monitoring drives reliability and process improvement

Condition monitoring is the science and practice of monitoring key information to alarm, predict and prevent problems.

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The performance from within

The performance from within

A refinery in South America was approaching its scheduled maintenance shutdown, which is carried out every three years of plant ...

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Measuring multivariable controller performance: how to tell if your multivariable controller is doing a good job

Measuring multivariable controller performance: how to tell if your multivariable controller is doing a good job

Multivariable controllers have been in use in manufacturing and production systems for many years. Multivariable controllers typically ...

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SIL 3 – am I safe now?

SIL 3 – am I safe now?

An emergency shutdown (ESD) valve is part of a safety instrumented system (SIS). It is a vital part of the safety system and often described as the final element. Normally, the term ESD valve refers to all types of safety system valves, such as shutdown, emergency shutdown, emergency ventilation or blowdown valves.

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