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A new era of distributed control systems begins with Valmet DNAe

A new era of distributed control systems begins with Valmet DNAe

The launch of the Valmet DNAe Distributed Control System (DCS) redefines what a DCS can be in a digital, connected world.

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Beyond Circularity: Joining forces for emission-free pulping

Beyond Circularity: Joining forces for emission-free pulping

Valmet joins the Emission Free Pulping research program, where the forest industry, other technology companies, research organizations, and universities will collaborate to revolutionize the traditional pulping processes.

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Valmet promotes equal opportunities for children’s well-being

Valmet promotes equal opportunities for children’s well-being

At Valmet, we believe that every child deserves a fair chance in life. On World Children's Day, we would like to highlight our global social responsibility program, that has promoted equal opportunities for wellbeing – especially for children – through several local projects this year.

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New exciting Beyond Circularity ecosystem projects kicked off

New exciting Beyond Circularity ecosystem projects kicked off

Six new projects in Valmet’s Beyond Circularity ecosystem have been granted funding from Business Finland.

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Making the world a better place for children

Making the world a better place for children

Valmet’s global social responsibility program consists of several local programs around the world. In the Asia Pacific area, we have cooperated with The Mirror Foundation to improve the facilities at three rural schools in Thailand. The work was finalized earlier this year, and the project’s completion was celebrated in a special ceremony in March.

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Valmet joins National Children's Day celebrations in Thailand

Valmet joins National Children's Day celebrations in Thailand

As one of the local projects under Valmet’s social responsibility program, we have joined forces with The Mirror Foundation in Thailand to help children have better learning and living conditions in the country’s northern Chiang Rai province. In January, we were invited to participate the National Children’s Day celebrations at two local schools.

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Video: Valmet supports Save the Children’s Child Sensitive Social Protection project in Dungarpur

Video: Valmet supports Save the Children’s Child Sensitive Social Protection project in Dungarpur

In 2020, Valmet started to support Save the Children’s Child Sensitive Social Protection project in Dungarpur. Valmet makes annual donations with a target to increase children’s education and improve the care for vulnerable children.

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Forward with solar power

Forward with solar power

Valmet’s Lentokentänkatu and Rautpohja facilities in Finland have been converted into solar power stations. This means that on sunny days days, these locations can utilize a good number of green energy.

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Valmet’s Innovation Pathways global training program brings results

Valmet’s Innovation Pathways global training program brings results

Innovation Pathways, one of Valmet’s global training programs, is designed to support Valmet’s profitable growth and build an innovation culture.

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Valmet’s core commitment: Safety comes first

Valmet’s core commitment: Safety comes first

For Valmet, safety comes first in all the company’s operations. The commitment to safety builds upon three steps: Know it, Believe it and Show it.

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