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Web handling - The poor man's spreader or bow-tie roller

Web handling - The poor man's spreader or bow-tie roller

Straight shaft rollers can be used as spreader rolls. They are called "Bowtie" rollers because a concave crown is machined into the roller.

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5 Keys to Better Pulp Washing Operations (tips from the OEM)

5 Keys to Better Pulp Washing Operations (tips from the OEM)

In a recent interview, the Process Engineers and Product Managers from Valmet’s vacuum washer team offered five helpful tips for operators.

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Green liquor production and place in liquor cycle (webinar)

Green liquor production and place in liquor cycle (webinar)

Poor green liquor quality causes negative effects in critical mill processes, including cooking, bleaching, chemical recovery, recausticizing and the lime kiln.

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Shoe press case study - Using nip scan as pre-shutdown tool

Shoe press case study - Using nip scan as pre-shutdown tool

A mill had issues widening the sheet after threading the machine. Valmet performed a nip scan to collect information about loading and alignment problems.

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Maximize performance with Valmet's modular service solutions

Maximize performance with Valmet's modular service solutions

Valmet's modular service solutions offer pulp and papermakers clearer choices for the maintenance of rolls and equipment for fiber production. This helps the customer to make wise maintenance choices, for efficiency and maximum performance.

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Increase drying capacity with a Valmet Air Dryer Nozzle Upgrade

Increase drying capacity with a Valmet Air Dryer Nozzle Upgrade

Existing single- or double-sided air dryers with inefficient nozzles can be upgraded by installing the patented Valmet Air Dryer Nozzle Upgrade - without changing your dryer layout. Up to a 50% drying capacity increase can be realized.

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Polarized forming fabrics may revolutionize water removal

Polarized forming fabrics may revolutionize water removal

The polarized structure allows controlled initial drainage in the paper-making process, improving retention and helping keep the machine clean. The good runnability and cleanliness reduce breaks, increasing production capacity and saving through reduced use of chemicals.

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Valmet Refiner Segments - there is always a higher level

Valmet Refiner Segments - there is always a higher level

Are there limits to refiner segment technology? We optimize processes and stabilize them at the highest attainable and sustainable level. Some engineers might feel satisfied at this point, but at Valmet we don’t.

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ServoNavitas - your toolbox for refiner segment technology

ServoNavitas - your toolbox for refiner segment technology

Refining is the key process when producing both mechanical pulp and fiberboard. Valmet continuously develops refiner segment technology to improve customer competitiveness. As a result of this development we present a new unidirectional segment concept called ServoNavitas.

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Using wood powder as fuel in lime kilns, pilot case study

Using wood powder as fuel in lime kilns, pilot case study

A Valmet white paper discusses the use of wood powder as a replacement lime kiln fuel, as well as the factors that must be considered when evaluating using wood powder as kiln fuel and the lessons learned from operating with wood powder. Södra has contributed to this paper based on their experience at Södra Värö mill with a wood powder firing system that was installed in 2014.

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