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That feeling when innovation ignites passion

That feeling when innovation ignites passion

Meet David Eapen, Valmet's Director of Service in North America. With over 12 years of experience, his journey exemplifies career growth at Valmet, a leader in industrial innovation.

Insights ● Career story
Put quality first with the new Valmet THRU-AIR® Bonder

Put quality first with the new Valmet THRU-AIR® Bonder

With the introduction of the all new Valmet THRU-AIR Bonder nonwoven web producers now have an opportunity to invest in cost competitive equipment without compromising production quality.

Insights ● Article
Valmet changes the Game in Tissue

Valmet changes the Game in Tissue

In November 2023, Valmet completed the acquisition of Körber Business Area Tissue, global supplier of Tissue converting and packaging lines, renowned for brands such as Perini, MTC and Casmatic. Former Fabio Perini and Körber Business Area Tissue have been in the converting industry for over 50 years becoming a market leader in providing complete solutions for roll, fold, converting and packaging lines.

Ways 4-Roll rewinder technology benefits tissue converters

Ways 4-Roll rewinder technology benefits tissue converters

Rewinders are an essential part of any tissue converting operation, and their performance largely drives production success. The current 3- and 4-roll rewinder configurations are both popular in the field.

Insights ● Blog post
7 Ways Valmet helps bridge the U.S. tissue industry’s growing skilled labor gap

7 Ways Valmet helps bridge the U.S. tissue industry’s growing skilled labor gap

On the whole, the U.S. labor market continues to struggle to find enough skilled workers to meet demand, and Manufacturing is one of the industries most affected by the shortage. With pandemic-related challenges and an estimated 22% of the existing skilled workforce retiring by 2025, it’s anticipated that 2.1 million U.S. manufacturing jobs could be vacant in 2030.

Insights ● Blog post
Körber’s TMOM helps converters optimize resources & reduce waste through digitalization

Körber’s TMOM helps converters optimize resources & reduce waste through digitalization

Tissue manufacturers and converters of all sizes need to identify and execute performance improvements based on data collection and analysis and move away from manual controls over quality and maintenance and toward integrated, automated systems wherever they can.

How Valmet solutions help manufacturers overcome the challenges of 3 ongoing supply chain disruptions

How Valmet solutions help manufacturers overcome the challenges of 3 ongoing supply chain disruptions

As some West Coast port congestion eases in the United States, there’s reason to believe that the paper industry supply chain is showing signs of righting itself. That may ultimately be the case, but the sheer reach and impact of the disruption indicates no quick fix is on the horizon.

Insights ● Blog post
Valmet Technical Improvement Program (TIPs) solve technology and supply chain challenges for tissue manufacturers

Valmet Technical Improvement Program (TIPs) solve technology and supply chain challenges for tissue manufacturers

Tissue converting, packaging, and fold equipment produced under any of the Valmet brands has one of the best reputations in the industry for longevity and reliability. Many tissue manufacturers invest in Valmet lines because of the quality machinery and excellent ROI.

Insights ● Blog post
Valmet Spare Parts service helps tissue converters choose and maximize OEM parts

Valmet Spare Parts service helps tissue converters choose and maximize OEM parts

Using the right spare parts for maintenance is critical because line efficiency depends on the correct functioning of each part. Cost often drives many tissue converters to decide upon using non-OEM spare parts, and, just as often, they usually come to regret it.

Insights ● Blog post
Greetings from Tappi Nanotechnology Conference

Greetings from Tappi Nanotechnology Conference

Mid-June the MFC community gathered in Vancouver for the 2023 TAPPI Nanotechnology Conference. Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC) and highly refined fiber have continued to gain interest within the paper and other industries. My perception is that this year the main focus of the conference was on the use of MFC in packaging products.

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