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Transparent communication improves workplace wellbeing

Transparent communication improves workplace wellbeing

Workplace wellbeing has a positive impact on employee productivity, but too often the wellbeing actions in the company are not visible enough.

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In the end, digitalization has a lot to do with people

In the end, digitalization has a lot to do with people

Moving toward more autonomous mills or plants will highlight rather than neglect the importance of operators’ capabilities. Operators will need to be able to understand how the whole system works, as they will have more extensive tools at their disposal.

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The perfect is the enemy of the good

The perfect is the enemy of the good

In the spring of 2013, I was asked to start planning IT for a new company. At that point, the company did not yet have a name. Metso had just announced that it would start preparing a demerger into two independent listed companies.

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Virtual reality, the new industrial standard?

Virtual reality, the new industrial standard?

VR, AR, MR, XR… Has the virtual world felt difficult or even pointless to enter? If yes, now the time is ripe. With the key technological challenges solved, virtual tools are making a breakthrough in the industrial environment bringing possibilities never seen before.

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Making your performance our first priority

Making your performance our first priority

To get the most from any equipment, you need to know how it is performing. Some original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have begun to offer services which manage asset performance in real-time.

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When a valve is tight enough?

The tightness discussion has been going around in the automation industry since the first valves were introduced.

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Repeatable reliability on-time!

What happened to the valves when the German olefin producer had a major shut-down at their ethylene cracker?

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At the heart of the GTL process

GTL technology involves conversion of methane to high molecular weight hydrocarbons from LPG to waxy paraffins. The process itself consists of mainly 3 steps, syngas production through steam reforming or partial oxidation, liquid production through Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) reactions with cobalt or iron-based catalyst followed by product updgrading through mild hydrocracking to convert high molecular weight waxes to LPG, naphta and diesel.

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Determining the control valve pressure drop for control valve sizing purposes

Determining the control valve pressure drop for control valve sizing purposes

Our guest writer Jon F. Monsen discusses the correct method for determining the control valve sizing pressure drop when the system already exists or has been designed.

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2 proven options to secure process availability

2 proven options to secure process availability

The safety valve is the final element in the safety loop. It operates in the most challenging environmental conditions and is constantly in contact with process media in the pipelines.

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