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Valmet to deliver pressure diffuser to AustroCel Hallein’s mill in Austria

Valmet to deliver pressure diffuser to AustroCel Hallein’s mill in Austria

Valmet will supply a pressure diffuser for AustroCel Hallein’s mill in Hallein, Austria. The start-up of the pressure diffuser is planned for the fall of 2019.

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Valmet wins Top of Marketing Award in Industry category in Brazil

Valmet wins Top of Marketing Award in Industry category in Brazil

Systematic product development combined with an innovative marketing campaign led Valmet to win the 2019 Top of Marketing Award in the Industry category in Brazil.

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2018 Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award

2018 Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award

Regarded as the "Nobel Prize" in the field of mechanical pulping, the Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award was established in 1985 to commemorate Dr. Asplund’s contribution to the pulp and paper industry worldwide.

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HC bleaching success at Rottneros

HC bleaching success at Rottneros

A Valmet cost-effective HC (High Consistency) bleach plant was the natural choice when Rottneros invested to increase its competitiveness in market pulp sales. Results after the start up show that it was the right choice.

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Moving forward with a full range of Valmet Industrial Internet (VII) solutions

Moving forward with a full range of Valmet Industrial Internet (VII) solutions

Valmet introduces a full range of new, data-driven Industrial Internet solutions to pulp, board, paper, tissue and energy producers.

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Thomas Granfeldt awarded the Arne Asplund Award at IMPC 2024

Thomas Granfeldt awarded the Arne Asplund Award at IMPC 2024

Professor Thomas Granfeldt was awarded the 2024 Arne Asplund Award at the International Mechanical Pulping Conference (IMPC). The conference was arranged between May 27-29 in Sundsvall, Sweden and was joined by industry experts and researchers from across the globe.

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Sri Andal in the forefront of developing India´s sustainable paper making market with Valmet stock preparation technology

Sri Andal in the forefront of developing India´s sustainable paper making market with Valmet stock preparation technology

Sri Andal is aiming at producing high-quality containerboard with tangible efficiency improvements and Valmet offers suitable solution for achieving these targets.

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Valmet and Cascades celebrate successful start-up of a grade conversion rebuild at Bear Island in Ashland, Virginia

Valmet and Cascades celebrate successful start-up of a grade conversion rebuild at Bear Island in Ashland, Virginia

On May 2, Cascades announced that it produced its first roll of 100% recycled containerboard at the Bear Island mill in Virginia, United States. As previously announced, Valmet supplied an extensive paper machine-grade conversion rebuild for this mill. 

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Significant CO₂ emission reductions through paper making technology development

Significant CO₂ emission reductions through paper making technology development

Valmet’s key objective is to enhance the competitiveness of our customers’ processes by improving the productivity and efficiency of their production lines and promoting sustainable paper production through the best available technology and innovative technological solutions. For this goal, we have created our most energy-efficient paper making line.

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Asia Paper Manufacturing uses OptiSizer Hard to improve board strength

Asia Paper Manufacturing uses OptiSizer Hard to improve board strength

Asia Paper Manufacturing in the Republic of Korea had an ambitious target to improve the board strength values. They invested in OptiSizer Hard. Compared to conventional sizers, it pushes starch deeper into the board web improving the overall strength values.

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