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Doubled run time with Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL, case studies

Doubled run time with Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL, case studies

Valmet Calender Roll Cover CL provides extremely high wear resistance, allowing long regrinding intervals. It also has high barring resistance on both multi-nip and soft calender rolls.

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Advantage WetDust safely contains and removes tissue machine dust

Advantage WetDust safely contains and removes tissue machine dust

Effective tissue machine dust removal not only creates a safer working environment, but also results in a better end product for your customers. Valmet's Advantage WetDust with Air Curtain is the best solution.

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The modern white liquor plant reduces the carbon footprint

The modern white liquor plant reduces the carbon footprint

The growing trend of a resource efficient and clean world puts particular emphasis on the white liquor plant. This white paper abstract evaluates green liquor filtration and clarification strategies, lime cycle management impact mitigation and the upside and potential pitfalls of moving to biofuel.

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Release coating for drying cylinders improves quality, case study

Release coating for drying cylinders improves quality, case study

Poor dryer cylinder release causes runnability problems, sheet picking and dusting. At their worst, these problems place limits on cylinder temperatures and operating speeds. Sun Paper overcame these challenges with Valmet Dryer Roll Cover DOH onsite coating and improved their paper quality. Valmet Dryer Roll Cover DOH is based on the latest polymer chemistry, modern thermal spraying technology, and long experience.

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Changes to improve forming section performance (webinar)

Changes to improve forming section performance (webinar)

In this webinar, the principles of dewatering and formation on a forming section are covered as well as the various components that dress a forming table.

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The knowledge-sharing advantage of strong OEM partnerships

The knowledge-sharing advantage of strong OEM partnerships

Managing the loss of expert insight and the need for succession planning challenges manufacturers today, particularly those in the pulp and paper industries.

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Forming OEM partnerships to optimize pulp mill performance

Forming OEM partnerships to optimize pulp mill performance

As an OEM, Valmet has the resources and expertise to identify root causes of existing system limitations, and develop realistic paths to optimize performance.

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Simple steps can prevent valve issues during start-up

Simple steps can prevent valve issues during start-up

Unexpected problems in flow control equipment are the bane of all process engineers looking to start up projects on schedule. Valves are often (incorrectly) identified as being ‘bad actors’ as the root cause tends to lie elsewhere, is the experience of Valmet’s Mr Börjesson. Better on-site practices could be the solution, is his message

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Open and friendly culture in Valmet makes me thrive

Open and friendly culture in Valmet makes me thrive

We discussed with Nicola Bobinger, Global Distribution Manager in Valmet’s Flow Control business line, about the work culture in Valmet and about her typical work in her current job.

Insights ● Career story
Challenges and solutions for molsieve dryer processes

Challenges and solutions for molsieve dryer processes

Molecular sieves, or molsieves, are used in the refining and petrochemical process industries as adsorbents. They are mainly used in scenarios whereby very dry streams are required, helping to remove water and other oxygen sources to avoid catalyst deactivation and potential corrosion problems in the process plant. Molsieves exist in different pore sizes and their use varies between applications.

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