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Cooperl measures water content and sludge dryness with Valmet TS

Cooperl measures water content and sludge dryness with Valmet TS

Cooperl in France has two Valmet Total Solids Measurements (Valmet TS) to measure both water content in animal oil and animal manure and sludge dryness.

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Valmet Concentration Measurement 3300 at Zhejiang Juhua Group

Valmet Concentration Measurement 3300 at Zhejiang Juhua Group

Zhejiang Quhua Fluorochemical Co., Ltd is one subsidiary company of Zhejiang Juhua Group. It is among the biggest fluorochemical industrial base in China and relies on Valmet Concentration Measurement 3300 for measuring hydrofluoric acid concentration.

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Successful first EvoThrottle results in a second installation at Medite

Successful first EvoThrottle results in a second installation at Medite

Medite Smartply, Clonmel, Ireland was the site of the first installation of the new Valmet EvoThrottle blow valve.

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A long-term agreement ensures process and production improvement at Star Paper

A long-term agreement ensures process and production improvement at Star Paper

Partnering with Valmet through a long-term agreement allows Star Paper to focus on process and production improvement rather than concerns about a worn component. In addition, the agreement ensures prompt delivery times and regular visits of screen basket experts to evaluate basket performance during operation.

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Pick-up roll running time extended at Hamburger Hungaria

Pick-up roll running time extended at Hamburger Hungaria

Hamburger Hungaria was troubled by short running times, an unscheduled downtime and extensive maintenance on its PM 7 pick-up rolls. In 2019, Valmet delivered two oil-lubricated pick-up rolls with a two-suction chamber solution to the mill and the running time of pick-up suction roll more than tripled.

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Accurate retention measurement of specialty paper

Accurate retention measurement of specialty paper

SWMINTL St Girons specialty paper mill in France utilizes Valmet Optical Consistency Measurement (Valmet OC2W) to measure retention and ash of long fibers such as flax and hemp.

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Complete Recovery Boiler Delivery at Klabin’s Monte Alegre mill

Complete Recovery Boiler Delivery at Klabin’s Monte Alegre mill

Klabin is the largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions for paper packaging in Brazil and offers to the market softwood, hardwood, and fluff pulp. Valmet has been appointed to deliver a new recovery boiler, an ash crystallization plant, and an odorous gas handling system to Klabin’s Monte Alegre pulp and paper mill as part of Klabin’s announced modernization project. The new equipment is estimated to be taken into operation by the end of 2026.

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Measuring chip moisture faster with accuracy

Measuring chip moisture faster with accuracy

Valmet MR Moisture Analyzer performs the critical chip moisture measurements at Sun Paper's alkaline peroxide mechanical pulp (APMP) line.

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Sun Paper Yanzhou mill - NOx scrubber for recovery boiler

Sun Paper Yanzhou mill - NOx scrubber for recovery boiler

To meet the new, very tight NOx emission limits for its recovery boilers, Sun Paper turned to Valmet

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Hyogo Pulp invests in both quality and process control

Hyogo Pulp invests in both quality and process control

Hyogo Pulp Tanigawa mill recently invested in new measurement technology from Valmet, to ensure the highest quality of pulp in addition to improving process efficiency.

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