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Re-inventing automation UX on board

Re-inventing automation UX on board

Valmet's extensive knowledge of marine processes has helped bring marine automation to a whole new level. The web-based Valmet DNA Automation System improves user experience with innovative features.

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Mitsubishi Hachinohe optimizes recovery boiler performance

Mitsubishi Hachinohe optimizes recovery boiler performance

Mitsubishi Paper Hachinohe Mill acquired a Valmet Recovery Liquor Analyzer with an advanced process control (APC) application, Valmet Recovery Boiler Optimizer, to the mill’s chemical recovery process. Along with improving recovery boiler efficiency, Mitsubishi Hachinohe Mill combats climate change through accurate online analyses and optimization.

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OT cybersecurity: 7 practices for patch & vulnerability management

OT cybersecurity: 7 practices for patch & vulnerability management

OT patch & vulnerability management best practices from experts Robert Valkama, Senior Manager, OT Cybersecurity at Fortum and Ari Rajamäki, Product Manager for Cybersecurity at Valmet.

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Sustainability articles

Find articles related to sustainability at Valmet

Beyond Circularity: Ecosystem projects in action

Beyond Circularity: Ecosystem projects in action

Valmet's Beyond Circularity R&D program and ecosystem have made substantial progress during the 2.5 years. Originally targeting 100 partners by the end of 2025, ecosystem has already attracted over 250 partners working on 30 ecosystem projects.

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Valmet joins a research project to develop hydrogen underground storage

Valmet joins a research project to develop hydrogen underground storage

Valmet is joining forces with the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), and 15 industrial partners in a pioneering research project called Hydrogen UnderGround (HUG). The project is also a part of Valmet’s Beyond Circularity R&D program and ecosystem.

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Beyond Circularity: SEEDForest COACH explores tomorrow’s intelligent industrial work

Beyond Circularity: SEEDForest COACH explores tomorrow’s intelligent industrial work

Valmet is participating in SEEDForest’s COACH project that aims to create steps towards human-centered, technologically enabled intelligent industrial work of the future.

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Forward with more water-efficient paper mills

Forward with more water-efficient paper mills

At Valmet, we continuously enhance environmental efficiency in our own operations and together with our suppliers. Our process technology, automation and services are designed to improve raw material, energy, water and chemical efficiency. Just recently, our Board and Paper Mills business unit’s R&D team grew with a new expert, who focuses especially on water. Join us for an interview with Marina Kalliola to find out what Valmet has on its water reduction agenda.

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Valmet reaches 100% carbon neutral electricity purchases in Finland and Sweden

Valmet reaches 100% carbon neutral electricity purchases in Finland and Sweden

During the first years of Valmet’s climate program implementation, we have taken significant steps in reducing the CO2 emissions of our own operations. For example, the emissions from fuels, heating and electricity have been reduced by 50% since the baseline year 2019*. A major new milestone will be achieved by end of 2023 as Valmet reaches 100% carbon neutral electricity purchases in Finland and Sweden.

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Beyond Circularity: Turning biomaterials and waste into valuable products

Beyond Circularity: Turning biomaterials and waste into valuable products

The target of the 'Biorefining / value adding to waste' stream is to develop technologies for turning biomaterials and waste into valuable products and replacing fossil-based raw materials. It's one of the streams in Beyond Circularity, Valmet's ambitious R&D program and ecosystem.

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