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Valmet helps tissue converters capitalize on folded tissue products

Valmet helps tissue converters capitalize on folded tissue products

Facial tissue. Hand towels. Napkins. Folded tissue products remain in demand. Growth rates in North America are projected at 1.8% annually through 2025, and away-from-home (AFH) product trends point to a 2.3% increase during that same timeframe.

Is now the right time to buy new tissue equipment?

Is now the right time to buy new tissue equipment?

Tissue converters, like any other product manufacturer, must keep current on equipment in order to remain competitive and efficiently meet customer demand. Doing so generally requires a substantial investment that is carefully considered from all business angles before being made.

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How embossing impacts tissue roll characteristics and aesthetics

How embossing impacts tissue roll characteristics and aesthetics

As few as 20 years ago, tissue embossing was mainly considered a volume-generating process. There were one or two design engravings available, both of which had a mechanical function — creating volume for rolled tissue product packs. Customers chose one or the other engraving pattern. There was no differentiation on the shelf.

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New and revolutionary Valmet Warm-up Contactless redefines hot embossing and its benefits for tissue manufacturers

New and revolutionary Valmet Warm-up Contactless redefines hot embossing and its benefits for tissue manufacturers

Tissue manufacturers are under unprecedented pressure. Pulp price volatility and the skilled labor shortage remain primary concerns. However, the increased emphasis on sustainability, product differentiation, and global competition cannot be ignored.

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Valmet technologies help tissue manufacturers & converters integrate sustainability and operational goals

Valmet technologies help tissue manufacturers & converters integrate sustainability and operational goals

The pulp and paper industry has some inherent sustainability challenges that need to be addressed. For the sake of the planet and responsible business, tissue manufacturers and converters are taking action in finding opportunities for improvement.

Rolled disinfectant wipes and the updated Perini 702G NW rewinder bring Away-from-Home (AFH) markets up to speed

Rolled disinfectant wipes and the updated Perini 702G NW rewinder bring Away-from-Home (AFH) markets up to speed

In light of COVID-19, disinfectant wipes have become top of mind for consumers and businesses alike. The market in North America alone is projected to top $15 billion by 2027. Since keeping hard surfaces clean deters the spread of COVID virus variants and germs in general, it’s not surprising that the household wipes segment is expected to experience the market’s greatest compound annual growth rate.

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Wrapping Tissue Without Plastic: Paper and Biofilm Packaging Give Tissue OEMs Plastic-Free Possibilities

Wrapping Tissue Without Plastic: Paper and Biofilm Packaging Give Tissue OEMs Plastic-Free Possibilities

Consumers are increasingly sensitive to how their purchase decisions affect the world around them. They want their actions to have a positive impact and are willing to put their money behind brands that prioritize sustainability and sustainable packaging. 

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Valmet Tissue Converting expands MY family to support the needs & success of tissue converters

Valmet Tissue Converting expands MY family to support the needs & success of tissue converters

With 100 lines sold and installed worldwide, MYLine a testament to how Valmet combines industry-leading innovation with cutting-edge technologies and support to provide tailored solutions to global customers. They trust Valmet to find ways to consistently reduce lead times, optimize OEE, and provide excellent value for the money – and the MY family of Perini and MTC brands delivers.

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Valmet enables pulp and paper industries towards carbon neutrality

When we launched Valmet’s climate program “Forward to a carbon-neutral future” in March 2021, I knew that we had created a groundbreaking strategic roadmap towards carbon neutrality.

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Transforming Valmet's R&D mindset and creating new business

Transforming Valmet's R&D mindset and creating new business

Valmet’s Beyond Circularity program has already moved Valmet’s R&D work mindset toward a more collaborative and open way of operating according to Viivi Villa-Nuottajärvi, Director, Internal Beyond Circularity program at Valmet.

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