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What’s next for state-of-the-art bioproduct mill?

What’s next for state-of-the-art bioproduct mill?

Pulp mills have not had the best of reputations over the years. Looking back to my childhood in the 1970s, some of that infamy is merited, but we can all be proud of the industry today and the improvement of environmental performance alongside raw material and energy efficiency.

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How to make HSE part of the company DNA?

Every autumn, Valmet celebrates a Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) awareness week. Continuous improvement in HSE performance is an integral part of Valmet's excellence in processes must-win and our 360° agenda for sustainability.

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What’s the value of giving more autonomy to mills or plants?

What’s the value of giving more autonomy to mills or plants?

While Industrial Internet applications can be used to instantly optimize processes, they also allow us to predict what’s around the corner: Thanks to the more predictive nature of the available information, it’s possible to gain better control of the daily work in a mill or plant by pre-planning activities and running the process with fewer resources.

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GTL – the fuel of the future?

Fischer-Tropsch based technology present viable route in producing non-crude oil based high quality fuels and specialty products to meet the growing market demand. GTL opens new markets to natural gas producers as the estimated natural gas reserves have continuously increased over the past decade.

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Aerodynamic noise attenuation in rotary control valves

Are rotary control valves a good choice to be used in dampening aerodynamic noise? Here’s what our expert blogger Ville Kähkönen explains.

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Achieving better accuracy in flow control with a unique plug shape

Achieving better accuracy in flow control with a unique plug shape

Although Finetrol belongs to the eccentric plug valve category (IEC 60534-1 Sect, it has design differences that distinguish it from other eccentric plug valves currently available on the market. One of the special design features is a balanced plug that delivers benefits when it comes to better accuracy in flow control.

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Making plastic fantastic while meeting the most stringent requirements

The unrivalled performance and cost efficiency enabled by our Neles valves is helping the Siemens PTA project in Rotterdam successfully fulfill even the most stringent industry requirements.

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Ensuring high uptime with Neles globe valves

Neles globe valves feature uncompromised safety and meet the highest environmental standards. Thanks to the innovative stem sealing solution, emissions from the valves are very low. For applications where zero emissions are a requirement, a special bellows seal solution is available. In terms of reliability and uptime our globe valves have proven their capabilities in even the most challenging process conditions.

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Diamonds are created in high pressure – where reliability and trustworthiness count even more

With increasingly stringent requirements being placed on challenging industrial processes, customers are demanding ever more reliable valve solutions to make their operations safe, environmentally friendly and future-proof for new regulations. These requirements set high-level expectations on a long servicing interval for valves and minimized process downtime. They also lead to high-yield processes for customers.

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Commercial-grade valves in nuclear facilities – a viable way to cut costs and improve safety?

At a time when cutting investment and operational costs is a major target of the nuclear energy sector, engineers and researchers from all parts of the world are on a quest to find the most viable solutions. We, too, decided to look into this problem – to approach it from the perspective of valves. Can these critical components help nuclear power plants save costs?

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