Romania, Bucharest
Romania, Bucharest
Valmet's tissue machinery technology provides sustainable production of all types of grades
The Valmet Advantage Tissue technology provides sustainable production of all types of grades from plain to textured and structured tissue products with high quality.
TissueRoll upgrade services
Upgrade services provide improved roll performance and productivity by applying new innovations into your existing roll base. Valmet modular maintenance solutions such as upgrade services are especially targeted for critical process rolls e.g. deflection-compensated rolls and suction rolls in pulp drying line.
ServicesSmelt Spout
Valmet Smelt Spout is a proven technology based on over 40 years of experience, the purpose of the smelt spout is to transport char bed deposits from the furnace to the dissolving tank. By using our smelt spout, you will get an efficient, stable and controlled smelt flow, reducing noise and hazardous smelt risks.
ServicesAsh leaching and crystallization solutions
AshLeach is a uniquely simple and effective system to remove chlorides and potassium. In Ash Crystallization, the ash is completely dissolved in water and the solution is evaporated.
PulpValmet HC Ozone Bleaching
The Valmet HC Ozone Bleaching process developed by Valmet marks a clear milestone in the development of environmentally sound bleaching methods. It allows combining high brightness and strength with cost efficiency.
PulpValmet Ash Leaching
Valmet's ash leaching installations deliver value to pulp mills all over the world. Ash leaching is a robust process that offers good performance.
PulpLignin business development
Valmet can support the development of your lignin business, all the way from the very first tests to full-scale production.
Valmet has developed and manufactured mixers for the pulp industry for nearly 50 years. The latest generation, called SMF, has rapidly gained recognition, since it offers an unrivalled technical solution, quite distinct from conventional mixers on the market.
PulpMulti stage OptiScreen FS
The multi-stage OptiScreen FS screens are characterized by simple control of the screening process to ensure the desired pulp quality for further processing.